Christians Fight California's Muslim Indoctrination of Schoolchildren
Wes Vernon,
Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004
See part one of series: Jailed Clintonista Terror Suspect Helped ACLU Draft Schools' Anti-Christian Rules

WASHINGTON – has learned that a public interest law firm plans to file an appeal “probably within the next 20 days” to overturn a federal judge’s decision upholding as constitutional the Islamic indoctrination of children in California's government schools.

Such schoolroom activities as praying to Allah and simulating Islamic worship are not “devotional activities,” District Judge Phyllis Hamilton decreed in a highly publicized lawsuit brought by Christian pupils and parents at Excelsior Elementary School in Byron, Calif.

The Thomas Moore Law Center in Ann Arbor, Mich., which represents Christians on issues related to “religion, family values, and the sanctity of life,” intends to file its brief with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Given that this court (dubbed the “9th Circus” by Rush Limbaugh) is notoriously left-wing and is by far the most overturned in the nation, the case could very well end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would like to think we will stop it before that,” said Finn Laursen, executive director of Christian Educators Association International (CEAI). His organization of public and private school teachers would likely enter the case as “a friend of the court” in support of the Thomas Moore Center.

Schools throughout the nation are urged to abide by the guidelines for religion in the classroom handed down by American Civil Liberties Union. That organization has caused school officials to be gun-shy for fear of being dragged into court if anything not hostile to Christianity appears in their classrooms. Many parents in California believe the Islam indoctrination case now in the courts resulted from the schools bending over backward to please ACLU.

ACLU Snickering but Otherwise Silent has requested and is still waiting for a comment from ACLU. Doesn’t the heavily pro-Islam curriculum at the center of the case violate the organization’s insistence on what it always refers to as “separation of church and state”?

An ACLU spokesman chuckled in apparent disbelief when NewsMax recited the curriculum involved, which also includes staging mock Islamic "holy" wars.

In his interview with, Laursen, a former public school superintendent in Ohio, recalled that ACLU “did not even want the subject [Christianity] to be brought up that might lead someone to believe that there was some reality to the God of the Bible.”

Thomas Moore Law Center spokesman Brian Burch told NewsMax that the group’s lawyers, in their research, discovered schools are definitely being pressured to insert Islamic views into their curricula.

Concern over the case is enhanced by the arrest last fall of Abdurahman Alamoudi, founder and former executive director of American Muslim Council. AMC is listed as one of the organizations that contributed to ACLU's guideline “Religion in the Public Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law.”

ACLU offices in Washington confirmed to NewsMax that Alamoudi, a former appointee of Bill Clinton and adviser to Hillary Clinton, personally represented AMC in that effort. (Alamoudi says he is innocent of the terrorism-related charges, for which he is in jail without bail.)

Laursen opined to NewsMax that “if there were equal justice coming from that organization [ACLU], they themselves” would be suing on behalf of the outraged parents.

Charles Mims
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