Today is Sunday, Jan. 18, the 18th day of 2004 with 348 to follow.

Those born on this date include English physician Peter Roget, who compiled "Roget's Thesaurus," in 1779; American orator and statesman Daniel Webster in 1782; English author A.A. (Alan Alexander) Milne, who wrote "Winnie the Pooh," in 1882; comedian Oliver Hardy in 1892; actors Cary Grant in 1904 and Danny Kaye in 1913; filmmaker John Boorman in 1933 (age 71); Temptations singer David Ruffin in 1941; and actor Kevin Costner in 1955 (age 49).

On this date in history:

In 1871, William of Prussia was declared the first German emperor.

In 1943, Moscow announced the 16-month Nazi siege of Leningrad was lifted.

In 1966, Indira Gandhi, daughter of the late Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, became prime minister of India.

In 1968, the United States and Soviet Union agreed on a draft of a nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

In 1990, a Los Angeles jury in the nation's longest criminal trial acquitted Raymond Buckey, 31, and his mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, 63, on 52 charges of molestation of students at the McMartin Pre-School. A mistrial was declared on the 13 other counts. All charges were dropped against Mrs. Buckey. Her son was retried later in the year, with the trial ending in a hung jury July 27. All remaining charges were dropped Aug. 1.

Also in 1990, Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry was arrested in an FBI sting at a downtown hotel and charged with buying and smoking crack cocaine.

In 1991, Eastern Airlines stopped flying and said it would liquidate its assets. The announcement followed a two-year effort to escape bankruptcy.

In 1993, seven people were killed and nearly 70 more injured when two commuter trains collided on a bridge in Gary, Ind.

In 1994, Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence Walsh issued his final report on the scandal. He blasted former President Bush for his Christmas Eve 1992 pardons of six Iran-Contra defendants.

Also in 1994, Adm. Bobby Ray Inman withdrew his nomination as defense secretary, asserting the news media and the Republicans were out to destroy his reputation.

In 1995, officials in Paris announced the discovery of a magnificent display of Paleolithic cave art in southern France.

In 1996, Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of "The King" Elvis Presley, filed for divorce from the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pop" Michael Jackson after 20 months of marriage, citing irreconcilable difference.

In 1997, Franz Vranitzky announced he was resigning as chancellor of Austria.

Also in 1997, Norwegian Borge Ousland completed a 1,675-mile trek across Antarctica, the first time anyone transversed the continent alone.

In 2001, civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson admitted he had fathered a daughter born out of wedlock in 1999 to an employee of his Rainbow/PUSH coalition.

In 2002, in another anti-terrorist step ordered by Congress, U.S. airlines began inspecting every piece of luggage checked by passengers.

In 2003, protesters nationwide demonstrated in opposition to possible war in Iraq.

A thought for the day: it was Jeff Pesis who defined hardware as "the parts of a computer that can be kicked."

(c) Copyright 2004 by United Press International. All rights reserved.


Classic Quotes


By Sir William Osler (1849 - 1919) British (Canadian-born) physician


"In science, the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurs."


"Look wise, say nothing, and grunt. Speech was given to conceal thought."


"Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows."


"One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine."


"The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals."

Charles Mims
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