Some of you may remember that I employ some of these ....( I am going to call them Mexicans...
they could be from some other Spanish speaking country south of the border)..... I have had
many of them work for me... Some of them are very good help... some are not so good. They
are quite a bit like any other menial work force of any race. Some of them actually were working
legally in this country... others had fake papers that were close enough to real that what ever
state I was in would license them anyway... they have to have a license to work at the race track.
There wasn't much difference between the legal ones and the illegal.... It is a misconception that
they work for practically nothing. I wouldn't pay white help any more unless they were better.
My profession would be put in a major bind if all of these folks had to leave the country. I agree
with Bush that they do represent an important part of our economy.

What really torks me off is how much we baby these people.... A lot of them refuse to learn the
English language.... Why should they? ATM machines have instructions in Spanish. Cable and
Satellite companies give help in Spanish.. Phone companies give help in Spanish. In the State
of Iowa you can take the written Drivers License test in Spanish and get a Spanish speaking
State official to give you the driving portion. What is wrong with assimilation? My Grandfather
made his way here from Germany and didn't know one word of English. He didn't expect the
American immigrants that made there way here before him to help him along by interpreting
everything to German for him. He learned *English*.... He could read and write English.
Back then your goal was to become an American Citizen and be a part of this great country.
Now the Mexicans only want to rape our system and send the money back to Mexico.

I will say one thing... the Mexican people are not stupid... If we made them assimilate and
find a way to get health insurance.... they would. Maybe not as many... but they would...
I am not a member of the "blame America first" crowd, but in this case we have caused our
own problems.

On Sunday, January 18, 2004, at 02:41 PM, Charles wrote:

Oh yeah.  I correspond with some folks that work for hospitals along the border and they say it happens all the time.  They will come across preggers and pop the baby out, then it is a US Citizen.  It can't be deported.  Neither can the parents until they have a hearing (which takes quite some time) and during that time they are eligible for all the welfare benefits other US children are eligible for.
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Harder
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 3:37 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sndbox] JPS to expand immigrant care

I assume that you know that they already do that?

On Sunday, January 18, 2004, at 01:38 PM, Charles wrote:

Or they pop across the border and drop the baby out and it's automatically a US citizen and can get welfare. 

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Tim Harder
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