DEAR MISS MANNERS -- I have received an e-mail recently that had the following statement at the bottom, which I will copy verbatim:

"This e-mail may display a telegraphic style that gives the false impression of curtness or insensitivity. Also, it may contain confidential or privileged information. If it is received in error, kindly delete it and notify sender. Thank you."

It appears that the sender's company requires this statement to be attached to the end of every e-mail.

I have several questions about the first sentence. Should I take it as a pre-emptive apology? Or an instruction not to be offended about what would otherwise be offensive? Do you believe it is appropriate to include such a sentence in e-mails? Do you recommend that other companies adopt this approach?

And what is "a telegraphic style," anyway? I'm only 34, so I've never sent or received a telegram.
Charles Mims

Most people get a fair amount of fun out of their lives, but on balance life is suffering, and only the very young or very foolish imagine otherwise. - George Orwell
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