A Pat On The Back Is Only A Few Centimeters
      From A Kick In The Butt.

      A Rich Man's Display Of Generosity
      Is Like A Dog Walking On His Hind Legs.
      It Is Rarely Done Well.  But, We Are Still
      Surprised To Find It Done At All.

      Adversity Makes Men
      And Prosperity Makes Monsters.

      Be Not Too Hasty To Trust Or Admire
      The Teachers Of Morality.
      They Discourse Like Angels.
      But, They Live Like Men.

      Beware The Man Of One Book

      Consider The Lilies Of The Field, How They Grow;
      They Toil Not, Neither Do They Spin.

      Don't Sweat The Petty Things
      And Don't Pet The Sweaty Things.

      Don't Take Life Too Seriously -
      You Won't Get Out Alive!

      Experience Is Something You Don't Get
      Until Just After You Need It.

      He, Who Sacrifices His Conscience To Ambition, Burns A Picture To Obtain The Ashes.

      Hot water does not need to be heated.

      If It Weren't For The Last Minute,
      Nothing Would Get Done.

      It's Easier To Obtain Forgiveness
      Than Permission.

      Never Put Off Until Tomorrow
      What You Can Avoid Doing Altogether.

      Procrastination Is The Art Of
      Keeping Up With Yesterday.

      Reality Is When It Happens To You.

      Some Days You're The Pigeon -
      Some Days You're The Statue.

      The Hardest Thing To Learn In Life Is
      Which Bridge To Cross And Which To Burn.

      The Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots.

      There's More Than One Way To Skin A Cat.

      Those Who Abandon Their Dreams
      Will Discourage Yours.

      Those Who Cannot Remember The Past
      Are Condemned To Repeat It.

      Nearly All Men Can Stand Adversity.
      But, If You Want To Test A Man's Character,
      Give Him Power.

      You Can't Tell Which Way The Train Went
      By Looking At The Track.

      You Can't Unscramble An Egg.
Charles Mims

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. - Comte de Bussy-Rabutin
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