On Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 4:03:15 PM, Jorge wrote:

>>If you fire up Task Manager on a windows machine (or your favourite ps tool
>>elsewhere), and set the View, Update Speed to High, then sort by the name in
>>reverse, you will see multiple sniffer.exe and one with a PID that doesn't
>>change.  That's your persistent instance.
JA> I fired up Task Manager. Could't see Sniffer.EXE nor [mylicense].exe as
JA> a persistent instance. Could even see the 'clients'.

JA> Funny, since I know it is running (since the logs it's being created,
JA> and messages are being sniffed)

It definitely has to be there if it's producing a log. Sniffer does
nothing to hide itself.

Did you try sorting by name?


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