Title: Message

In their defense, I don't think that they necessarily knew any better than to have approached it this way.  I don't necessarily get that the new ownership has worked from the IT side of the business before and understands security and trust as a corporate administrator would, in fact Barry comes from the marketing side of the business and I'm afraid that this is a bit of trial-by-fire.  I expect (hope) that he will get the message and change their ways before this will be released in final format.  Scott didn't have the resources to enforce licensing, and as a business, this is critical to their success.  I have no qualms with that goal.  They didn't intend to violate privacy or functionality, they just overlooked it.

The whole IMail debacle is a different story.  Most everyone using Declude on that platform will eventually be switching, and Declude has been more than fair by offering free migrations of their license to a different platform, starting with SmarterMail which is very reasonably priced and seemingly quite responsive to their customers.


Joe Wolf wrote:
I'm currently using Sniffer via Imail and Declude.  We all know that Ipswitch has lost their mind and is abandoning the small ISP, and now it seems that Declude has lost their way.  The new version of Declude is tied to a single MAC address.  That counts me out since I run multiple NIC's in the same machine and am multi-homed.  Their spyware "phone home" system is a violation of our security policies as well.
That leads me to Sniffer.  I love the product.
Does anyone have a complete list of mail servers that have direct support for Sniffer?  The Imail / Declude thing is too much to deal with and I'm going to make a change.

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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