So basically, what you are saying is that my volume is really too low to take 
advantage of the persistent sniffer (and such may actually decrease my 
performance), and I should stick with the non-service version.  Is that right?  
That is about what I thought (without the details of how sniffer works, I just 
wanted to be sure).

Thanks, Pete.

Dan Horne

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 4:09 PM
> To: Dan Horne
> Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer taking a long time?
> After following through all of this and looking at the .stat 
> file, I think I see what's going on.
> Now that it is running and producing a .stat file, the flow 
> rate is very low. According to the stat data, about 6 msgs / minute.
> Note the poll and loop times are in the 450 - 550 ms range.
> SNF with the persistent engine is built for high throughput, 
> but it's also built to play nice.
> The maximum poll time gets up to 2 seconds or so (sound familiar?)
> If there are no messages for a while, then everything slows 
> down until the first message goes through. For that first 
> message, the SNF client will probably wait about 2 seconds 
> before looking for it's result because that's what the stat 
> file will tell it to do.
> Since the next message probably won't come around for a few 
> seconds, that next message will probably wait about 2 seconds also.
> If you were doing 6 messages a second then all of the times 
> would be much lower and so would the individual delays.
> When you turn off the persistent instance, each new message 
> causes a client to look and see if there are any other peers 
> acting a servers... Since the messages are far and few 
> between, the client will elect to be a server (momentarily), 
> will find no work but it's own, will process it's own message 
> and leave. -- This is the automatic peer-server mode. It will 
> always work like this unless more than one message is being 
> processed at the same moment.
> In peer-server mode, since there is nothing else going on and 
> no persistent instance to coordinate the operations, each 
> message will get processed as fast as the rulebase can be 
> loaded and then the program will drop.
> When the persistent instance is introduced, it sets the pace 
> - and sicne there are no other messages, each client will 
> wait about 2 seconds (or half a second or so with the .stat 
> file contents you show) before it begins looking for it's results.
> The server instance will also wait a bit before looking for 
> new jobs so that the file system isn't constantly being scanned.
> Of course, if a burst of messages come through then the 
> pacing will speed up as much as necessary to keep up with the volume.
> Hope this helps,
> _M
> On Tuesday, August 2, 2005, 3:38:52 PM, Dan wrote:
> DH> No, I followed your instructions exactly (and not for the first 
> DH> time).  I didn't add those extra values until today.  Prior to  
> DH> adding the AppDirectory value, the service was taking a minute to 
> DH> scan emails;  after adding it the scan time went to around 2 
> DH> seconds.  I can't get it any  lower than that.  Initially 
> mine was 
> DH> set up exactly as you said, with only  "Application" 
> containing the 
> DH> path, authcode and persistent.  Today after  hearing no 
> suggestions 
> DH> from the list, and based on recent list messages 
> mentioning the home 
> DH> directory for the service, I looked at the srvany.exe 
> doco  to find 
> DH> out how to give it a home directory.
> DH> That's when I added  AppDirectory.  I also saw and added 
> DH> AppParameters at the same time and  added those as well, 
> though they 
> DH> seem not to be needed.
> DH>  
> DH> Prior to adding the AppDirectory value, I never got any 
> .stat file 
> DH> or any .SVR file in my sniffer dir.  After adding that value and  
> DH> starting the service those files appeared.
> DH>  
> DH>  
> DH> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On  Behalf Of Matt
> DH> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:24  PM
> DH> To:
> DH> Subject: Re: [sniffer]  Sniffer taking a long time?
> DH> Dan,
> DH> There is no AppDirectory value on my server    either.  The
> DH> Parameters key has only one value under it besides Default   
> DH> which is "Application", and it contains exactly what I provided
> DH> below.     Could it be that you tried to hard to get everything
> DH> right by tweaking these    additional keys?
> DH> Something else.  Did you make sure that the    Sniffer
> DH> service that you created was started?  No doubt it will work if   
> DH> you follow those directions to a T, and there aren't any issues
> DH> with your    server apart from this.
> DH> Matt
> DH> Dan Horne wrote: 
> DH>   I removed the AppParameters value and put the authcode     
> DH> and persistent back in the Application value where it was before. 
> DH> It      didn't make any difference at all in the processing time,
> DH> still right around      2 seconds.  I don't know how your setup is
> DH> working without at least the      AppDirectory value, because mine
> DH> didn't start working until I put that in,      but if it is, I
> DH> can't argue.  My server load isn't anywhere near yours,      so I
> DH> don't see what the problem could be with mine.  Oh well, unless   
> DH> Pete responds with a suggestion, I guess I'll just keep using the 
> DH> non-service version.
> DH>    
> DH>   Thanks anyway.
> DH> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
> DH> Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 2:37        PM
> DH>
> DH> Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer taking a long        time?
> DH> Dan,
> DH> I seem to recall trying to use the        AppParameters key
> DH> and having difficulty with it.  I think that you        might want
> DH> to try removing that key and putting everything in the       
> DH> Parameters key, or at least that works for me.  If you change     
> DH> 
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Sniffer\Parameters
> DH> in        RegEdit to the following it might fix the issue that you
> DH> are having:
> DH> C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\***RULEBASE-NAME***.exe ***AUTH-CODE*** 
> DH> persistent
> DH> You should of course adjust the path        and service 
> name as well.
> DH> The directions that I provided are        working perfectly
> DH> on my server so far as I can tell.  I'm running        dual 3.2
> DH> Ghz 1 MB cache Xeons with 5 x 15,000 RPM drives in RAID 5.        
> DH> The following three debug log entries shows between 300 ms and 550
> DH> ms per        message:
> DH> 08/02/2005 14:19:47.113 QB93D976201222A43 [2616]         
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program started:         
> DH> C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\executable.exe auth-code 
> DH> F:\\DB93D976201222A43.SMD
> DH> 08/02/2005 14:19:47.676          QB93D976201222A43 [2616]
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program reports exit code          of 61
> DH> -----------------
> DH> 08/02/2005          14:19:47.488 QB9418A4800EC2A49 [6196]
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program          started:         
> DH> C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\executable.exe auth-code 
> DH> F:\\DB9418A4800EC2A49.SMD
> DH> 08/02/2005 14:19:47.770          QB9418A4800EC2A49 [6196]
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program reports exit code          of 51
> DH> -----------------
> DH> 08/02/2005          14:19:49.879 QB943711501382A4D [6388]
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program          started:         
> DH> C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\executable.exe auth-code 
> DH> F:\\DB943711501382A4D.SMD
> DH> 08/02/2005 14:19:50.176          QB943711501382A4D [6388]
> DH> SNIFFER-IP: External program reports exit code          of 59
> DH> My stat file shows the following:
> DH> TicToc: 1122992104
> DH> Loop: 154
> DH> Poll: 0
> DH> Jobs:          118392
> DH> Secs: 155137
> DH> Msg/Min: 45.7887
> DH> Current-Load:          24.4275   
> DH> Average-Load: 23.8719
> DH> I'm not sure why people use FireDaemon for        this.  My
> DH> experience with SRVANY.exe has been absolutely flawless       
> DH> since I integrated this, and it has worked on both Win2k and
> DH> Windows        2003.
> DH> Matt
> DH> Dan Horne wrote: 
> DH> OK, I have managed to get SOMETHING working, but it still 
> seems too 
> DH> slow and something is still not right.  I originally set up the 
> DH> persistent sniffer using the instructions from this 
> DH> 
> post:
> DH> mlThis uses SRVANY.exe.  I conjectured that possibly the service 
> DH> needed a home directory, so I added an AppDirectory value to the 
> DH> sniffer service's "Parameters" key in the registry.  This 
> value is 
> DH> set to the directory sniffer resides in.  I also (based on my 
> DH> reading of the srvany.exe documentation) added another 
> value to the 
> DH> same key called AppParameters.  This is set to my auth 
> code followed 
> DH> by a space, followed by the word persistent.
> DH> Now when I start the service, the time spent processing a single 
> DH> message goes down to something around 2 seconds, but is still far 
> DH> longer than the non-service version.  I also still had no 
> .stat file 
> DH> in my sniffer directory.  I did get a *.SVR file, which I 
> never got before.
> DH> So then I'm thinking, let's just make sure that I have the latest 
> DH> version of sniffer.  I downloaded that, did the necessary 
> renaming 
> DH> of the files and then started the service.  NOW there is a 
> DH> *.persistent.stat file.  However, the scan time is still 
> at around 2 
> DH> seconds.
> DH> Average Scan times (based on average scan times of 5 emails each):
> DH> Without sniffer service running: .033 seconds With 
> sniffer service 
> DH> running: 2.244 seconds
> DH> The *.persistent.stat file has the following contents:
> DH>       TicToc: 1122990610
> DH>         Loop: 512
> DH>         Poll: 445
> DH>         Jobs: 34
> DH>         Secs: 303
> DH>      Msg/Min: 6.73267
> DH> Current-Load: 8.69565   
> DH> Average-Load: 10.6371
> DH> Any suggestions? 
> DH> Thanks,
> DH> Dan Horne
> DH> This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
> DH> information and (un)subscription instructions go to 
> DH>
> DH> --
> DH> =====================================================
> DH> MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail 
> DH> 
> Pro.
> DH> ======================
> This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
> information and (un)subscription instructions go to 

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
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