I can assure you that is not the case - quite the opposite in fact. I
would never suggest that you don't keep a plan B handy - everyone,
IMO, should always have a plan B, C and D handy - In fact, that MO is
one of the reasons we're still at it ;-)

None the less, what's really going on here is that we are finally
expanding to reach our potential, and I feel it's important to do that
sooner rather than later. It took a while to find a partner that was
up to the task.

I've had a lot of important enhancements and new technologies planned
and waiting on the shelf for some time now.

The count-down is over. Now it is time to get these things deployed. I
know that once you've seen some of the things that are coming you will
be well pleased with the results. I know I will.


On Tuesday, December 27, 2005, 4:25:02 PM, J.D. wrote:

JDS>  The short notice is a little disappointing. 
JDS>  However it is the justifications that are indicating that the
JDS> provider of this solution is may no longer a viable business that really 
concerns me.
JDS>  Sounds like we need to start looking for Plan "B" today.
JDS>  J.D.
JDS>  Michael Murdoch wrote:
JDS> Hi Dave,

JDS> Your license is set to expire on 01/26/2006, so if receive the renewal
JDS> before the end of the year.  Your cost will be the same as your last
JDS> renewal.  Again, we are grandfathering and giving consideration to our
JDS> existing clients.  If you wait until after the 1st, your educational
JDS> cost will be 10% off the new retail of $ 495.00.

JDS> Again and finally, this increase is needed if we are to remain a viable
JDS> business that is able to provide you with a quality product/service and
JDS> enhancements.  And, just to clarify the percentage of the price
JDS> increase, it is actually a 34% increase in retail or $ 170.00 per year.
JDS> I know that they may still seem like a lot to some of you, but it is
JDS> either this or get out of the business.  

JDS> I trust and hope you will all understand.  That's all that I have left
JDS> to say as we have to get back to work keeping your in-boxes clean. ;-)

JDS> Thank you all for your business and support.  Have a great New Year!

JDS> Best wishes,
JDS> Mike Murdoch
JDS> ARM Research Labs, LLC
JDS> The Sniffer Team
JDS> Tel. 850-932-5338 x303

JDS> -----Original Message-----
JDS> From:
JDS> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:42 PM
JDS> Subject: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

JDS> Thanks for the explaination.  While this is all fine and good, the
JDS> reality
JDS> is that many IT shops are on fixed budgets outside of their control.  I
JDS> can
JDS> justify a 10-15% increase to our CFO, but over 50% will get shot down
JDS> immediately.

JDS> The fact that you haven't raised prices in years is noble, but if you
JDS> need
JDS> additional revenue, you should phase the increases in over a period of
JDS> time,
JDS> or a modest increase each year.  Some customers simply can not turn up
JDS> the
JDS> cash buckets into over-drive whenever you deem you need a substantial
JDS> cash
JDS> influx.

JDS> You've got a great product, and I would really hate to lose it as a
JDS> tool.
JDS> What will the Educational Institution pricing look like?

JDS> -----Original Message-----
JDS> From:
JDS> On Behalf Of Michael Murdoch
JDS> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:14 PM
JDS> Subject: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!
JDS> Importance: High

JDS> Hi Folks,

JDS> Actually, here is some more detail as to the reasons for the price
JDS> increase.
JDS> In addition, please bear in mind that that prices haven't been raised in
JDS> approximately 2 years and even with this increase we are priced very
JDS> competitively. 

JDS> The new feature/benefits and more to come are as follows:

JDS> * In the past 6 months we have more than doubled the number of updates
JDS> per
JDS> day and we will continue to increase our bandwidth and the speed of our
JDS> updates.  

JDS> * We have more than tripled our staff to improve our monitoring,
JDS> support,
JDS> and rule generation capabilities.  Come January, we are again doubling
JDS> this
JDS> staff as the black-hats have gotten much more sophisticated and this has
JDS> become a 24x7 battle.  Even Pete needs to sleep sometimes. :-)

JDS> * We are adding new R&D programs for AFF/419 spam and Malware mitigation
JDS> (many of the results from these projects have already been implemented).

JDS> * During this next year as part of our continuous improvement policy we
JDS> will
JDS> continue to roll out new features and enhancements such as fully
JDS> automated
JDS> reporting, in-band real-time updates, an optimized message processing
JDS> pipeline, image and file attachment tagging, advanced header structure
JDS> analysis, enhanced adaptive heuristics, improved machine learning
JDS> systems,
JDS> real-time wave-front threat detection, and many more...

JDS> It's important to recognize that many of our improvements don't require
JDS> new
JDS> software to be installed on the client side since they are delivered
JDS> through
JDS> rulebase enhancements. Though this often causes our work to go
JDS> unnoticed, it
JDS> is actually a design feature since it means that your installation
JDS> requires
JDS> very little maintenance. This translates to lowered administration costs
JDS> and
JDS> higher reliability.

JDS> As a result of this "reliability-first" design strategy, it may not
JDS> always
JDS> be obvious that our service is constantly being improved and enhanced -
JDS> we
JDS> never stand still ;-)

JDS> We'd hate to see any of you go, but please do compare us with other
JDS> services.
JDS> I'm sure that you'll find we're well worth the money, but it's always
JDS> good
JDS> to keep your options open. In fact, best practice these days for spam
JDS> filtering is to use a blended approach that leverages many services. We
JDS> personally encourage that for best results.

JDS> Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you for your
JDS> feedback
JDS> and business!

JDS> Sincerely

JDS> Michael Murdoch
JDS> The Sniffer Team
JDS> ARM Research Labs, LLC
JDS> Tel. 850-932-5338 x303 

JDS> -----Original Message-----
JDS> From:
JDS> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:03 PM
JDS> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

JDS> I said the same thing, and the response was, basically,
JDS> "We haven't raised the price in a long time, we need
JDS> the money, like it or lump it." 
JDS> -----Original Message-----
JDS> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Koontz
JDS> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:57 PM
JDS> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

JDS> Pete, why over a 50% increase?  That seems rather drastic....

JDS> -----Original Message-----
JDS> On Behalf Of Pete McNeil
JDS> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:42 PM
JDS> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [sniffer] Last chance to renew at the old price!

JDS> Hello Sniffer folks,

JDS>   This is just a friendly reminder that prices will be going up
JDS>   January 1.

JDS>   You can add a year to your SNF subscription at the current price if
JDS>   you renew before January 1.

JDS>   Details are

JDS> Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
JDS> President, MicroNeil Research Corporation Chief SortMonster
JDS> (www.sortmonster.com) Chief Scientist (www.armresearch.com)

JDS> This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
JDS> information and
JDS> (un)subscription instructions go
JDS> tohttp://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.htmlThis
JDS> E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For 
JDS> information and (un)subscription instructions go
JDS> tohttp://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html---
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JDS> ---
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JDS> This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information
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JDS> http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html---
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