(*) Please keep in mind this is for one of the systems I maintain - who has
a very wide diverse set of mail. Your mileage may vary. Here are some stats gathered with DLAnalyzer on Zerohour. ***This is only a one day analysis.
* Triggered on 42,013 messages out of 99,842 total messages
* 40K of the 42K hits were on messages already considered spam and held.
* Out of the 42K Zerohour detections 39K of those were also detected by
* DLAnalyzer's test quality rates Zerohour as .95. (SEE EXPLANATION BELOW ON
* Zerohour triggered on 1,020 hams.  In my visual those hams a good portion
were false positives on bulk solicited mail (Home Depot, Marta Stewart, USDA, GOP Senators, Democratic National Committee, etc). I can go into more detail on this if anyone wants more info offline.
For those that do not use DLAnalyzer it has a built in test quality report.
The test quality score is based on a -1 to 1 scale where -1 indicates HAM
and 1 indicates spam.  The closer to 1 the more likely the test is at
detecting SPAM and the closer to -1 indicates HAM.
Other Test's Test Quality Scores
Message Sniffer - .99
invURIBL - .99
Zerohour - .95
Spamcop - .94
MxRate Black - .93
Fiveten - .92
Sorbs Spam - .71 At this point I have not evaluated CommTouch's false positive reporting. That portion of my testing will come very soon. Are any of my results scientific - no. Will I be dropping Message Sniffer - Absolutly not. Will I continue using CommTouch - yes - as I think it has a place on my system. Will your results and conclusions vary - absolutly.
Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude, Imail, mxGuard, and ORF. IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, SURBL/URI integration, MRTG Integration, and Log Parsers. Pete McNeil writes:
Hello Darrell, That's fine. _M Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 2:43:27 PM, you wrote:
If Pete doesn't mind I will post my observations in regards to the product.
I run both products (CommTouch and Sniffer).

Check out http://www.invariantsystems.com for utilities for Declude, Imail,
mxGuard, and ORF. IMail/Declude Overflow Queue Monitoring, SURBL/URI integration, MRTG Integration, and Log Parsers.

John Shacklett writes:

I'm dying to start a thread and talk about Sniffer's stance on CommTouch,
but I can resist.
Instead, I would like to point out that eight clearly spam messages have
made it through to my Inbox [or Outlook Junk Folder] so far this week that
appear to have skinned clear through Sniffer. First ones I've seen in > >Are we undergoing a new phase or campaign that I can make adjustments for?

-- John
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Pete McNeil
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