Hello Sven,

Saturday, September 30, 2006, 10:30:27 AM, you wrote:

> Grant, Pete,

> I *think* that the problem has been solved within our installation.
> I haven't changed anything, but SPAM messages are not coming through
> anymore (execept some Russian spam that SNF is not catching, but
> that's logical --> can I forward these messages to someone é armresearch for 
> analysis?) .


Missed spam (false negatives) can be forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and it will be put in the queue for the rule-techs. This method is
deprecated but the mechanisms are still in place.

The preferred method is for you to have a pop3 mailbox on your system
setup as a usertrap where our bots can come and pick up false
negatives. A usertrap contains messages that you or your customers
(through your review if possible) would like to submit as spam.
Messages can be forwarded there - or if you have the technical means
you might redirect the messages to this box so that they are in their
original (as received) state.

Similarly, if you have any clean spamtraps (addresses which receive
spam but were never used and will never be used) then their content
could be redirected to a spamtrap mailbox on your system where our
bots can retrieve it.

We treat each type of source with different rules. Usertraps contain
messages that may have gone through human hands. Spamtrap contain
messages that have never been seen and should not exist (were sent to
invalid and/or harvested addresses).

If you provide us with the email address (login), fqdn of the pop3
server, and password we can tell our bots to go and collect messages
from there and add them to our processing queues. (We poll as
frequently as once per minute when traffic is slow).

Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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