For those of us in the dark about this, can someone explain who Appriver is, 
and what is has to do with Message Sniffer?

Thank you,

Michael Stein
Computer House

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Rogers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Message Sniffer Community" <>
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 6:45 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Downloads are not working....

I sent a message earlier to this list but I'm not sure if it went
through.  We've been hit by this Appriver issue and it is still going on
as far as I can tell.  One of our users, call him [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sent a message to about 70 people.  And this message has been bounced 20
or 30,000 times and counting.  At first I thought it was this Exchange
issue we experienced last year where a single message was sent over and
over.  But then I saw that all the headers of the bounced emails
contained calls to and when I checked here I found this thread.

In the end, the only thing I could do was completely remove that user's
account and it appears to be OK.  But who knows?  Things appeared to be
OK from 7pm until 1am PST when it all started up again.

Anyone have any information on this?



Pete McNeil wrote:
> Hello Matt,
> Thursday, May 17, 2007, 2:22:56 PM, you wrote:
>> Appriver, who is somehow involved with Sniffer, is having a ridicolous
>> problem with sending messages over and over again (once every few
>> seconds).  They pulled their contact information from their site but
>> didn't take down their servers.  I suspect this is putting strain on
>> them and if Sniffer uses their bandwidth for downloads, that could
>> explain things.
> I'm not sure what the actual issue is (I will get that data later),
> however I've just been informed that it should be resolved in the next
> 20 minutes or so.
> Our rulebase server is on the same network so it is effected.
> BTW - they did not take down their contact information. It is right
> where it always has been.
> _M

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