
Since this hasn't yet been mentioned, try Alligate ( It does selective greylisting (only greylists things that look spammy), and also will validate your users' addresses and do things like country blocking/tarpitting/greylisting. Only one zombie spammer survives greylisting, and after you dump all of that plus validate addresses, you will reduce your traffic down to a point where it is only 1/3 spam. If you only reject bad addresses and clear abuse (many bad addresses in one connection for instance), you can do this with 99.9999% accuracy. I'm not lying about that either. The only things that fail selective greylisting will be black boxes that don't spool E-mail, and if you give a wide retry time, you will likely allow future attempts from a black box that happens to get greylisted.

Selective greylisting is far superior to regular greylisting since it is rarely triggered against legitimate E-mail. I dump around 93% of all connections to my servers and I don't need to falsely trust a single source of data such as SpamCop to achieve those results. I then leave the heavy lifting to a secondary filtering system where the heavy lifting is performed. Alligate requires almost no resources, though you should dedicate a box to it so that other things don't step on it's feet.


Steve Guluk wrote:

Hello, I run iMail 9.0 and would like a program that can do GeoIP to screen foreign countries before they even get to iMail. I used to use MXGuard (still have an active license) but my server could not handle the CPU draw. I moved to eWall which really has some great potential as it is a nice light gateway client that works with Sniffer but it also crashes and has a few other problems (this program also introduced me to GeoIP).

Any other suggestions as I am beat after trying to get some decent spam relief as well as relief from an aging server. My server is an AMD 2.0 with Raid and 2 gigs of Ram.... It's faired well over the last couple years but the spam levels ramping up are starting to take their toll and I don't want to move to a new server just yet.

eWalls got me spoiled on the GeoIP feature where it polls a DB for country info based on the incoming IP and can delete emails before they reach iMail.

Any suggestions on what I should consider to help with spam and also use Sniffer. Is Declude worth while? Some other light gateway like eWall ?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

*Steve Guluk*


(949) 661-9333

ICQ: 7230769

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