Andy Schmidt wrote:


That's why the enhanced version of your script (which properly supports Sniffer's ability to keep the rulebase and the workspace in subfolders!) that I sent you checks for CURL success AND for an existing file.

curl -s -R -f -o %RULEBASE_PATH%\ -z %RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.snf --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m -D %SNIFFER_PATH%\curlhdr.txt


*if not exist %RULEBASE_PATH%\ goto CLEANUP*

The newest version (just posted before I received this note) checks for a new file from CURL. It also uses the -v (verbose) option with CURL and captures it's output to the getRulebase.txt file for reporting. If there is an error then the details will be seen.

curl -v ""; -o -s -S -R -z %LICENSE_ID%.snf -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m 2>> getRulebase.txt

if not exist echo New rulebase file NOT downloaded >> getRulebase.txt
if not exist goto CLEANUP



>> goto DONE<<

I recommend you go to "Cleanup" -- where the .LCK file will be cleaned up if it exists...

The new script does this and it also reports success explicitly

snf2check.exe %AUTHENTICATION% 2>> getRulebase.txt

if errorlevel 1 goto CLEANUP

echo New rulebase file tested OK >> getRulebase.txt

The script we are using does not yet support alternate/sub folders because we have not built that capability into our windows installer. Using alternate/sub folders is a custom modification and is likely to be different on each system so we aren't (yet) making any attempt to have our installer predict or understand this kind of configuration.

A later version of the script might include some hooks to do that but they will need to be ignored by the installer for the time being.

Trying to keep things simple.



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