It is not an offical response. But I can pesonally cofirm that you have a
right idea as we move alone with W3C/SOAP standardization trend.
Also, it will be interesting see how the SUN and JCP can can pull the
JAXM efforts out to the real world. :-)

The bottom line is that SUN has announced that they will put the JAXM
package into J2SE and/or J2EE. You know what that means...


>Do you know if the apache team will focus only on developing the Axis or
>are still working in developing Apache Soap in a new direction .
>As I have understood, Axis is something like 'a new version' of Apache Soap
>with more than just a little improvements .
>I want to know if I am writting already deprecated software ( using apache
>soap) . :o)

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