Hi there,

I think I can't see the woods for the trees ....

but I'm get an error and I can't see why.

I'm getting a java io NoFileFound error returned when I try and call
in "HelloWorld" in package "hello".

(Sorry I'm not at the machine where everything is setup - hence the
non-specific error message)

It's an "Unable to resolve target object" error.

I'm sure it is just a class path problem on the server side but I don't know

I'm running Tomcat 4.0.1

I created a directory called "hello" and put "HelloWorld" inside it.

I then did > tar -cvf hello.tar HelloWorld.class

Dropped this tar file in my CATALINA_HOME\lib directory expecting it to be
when I restarted Tomcat.

But I think my problem is purely that the HelloWorld file is just not being

Does this sound right ?

Thanks for your help


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