Hi Roger

You are right that Soap Specs don't say anything about session
maintenance..and implementations of Soap could be made authentication enable
passing info. in the Soap Headers.

MS-Soap supports this through IHeaderHandler interface.

But Apache Soap uses HTTP session maintenace mechanism to support it. There
a example "addressbook2" in the samples directory of Apache Soap

Currently MS-Soap and Apache Soap are not interoperable as far as Session
Maintenance is concerned this is because unlike Apache Soap, MS-Soap does
not allow to set cookies in the HTTP header.

But  AXIS (Apache Soap 3.0) might support the session maintenace in the way
MS-Soap does, to make session maintenance interoperable between the two Soap
implementations. You can read more on this on Axis-developers mailing list

Naresh Agarwal

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger L. Costello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: sessions

> > Naresh Agarwal wrote:
> >
> > Apache Soap supports session maintenace. It uses
> > underlying HTTP mechanism (cookie based) for session
> > maintenace.
> >
> > You can find more details on it at the following link.
> >
> > http://xml.apache.org/soap/docs/guide/migration.html
> I took a look at this document.  It seems to be addressing the issue of
> creating a persistent network connection between between a SOAP client
> and server.  I do not believe that that is the type of session which
> Oleg is interested in.  I believe that Oleg is interested in an HTTP
> session (i.e., a virtual session).  That is, he is interested in
> establishing a pesistent "virtual connection" between the SOAP client
> and the server, as is commonly used by web sites that implement the
> shopping cart paradigm.
> Many web sites today implement HTTP sessions using cookies.  The server
> sends to the client a cookie (containing typically a session ID), which
> the client's browser stores.  Each time the client hits that web site
> the browser automatically sends along the cookie to the server.
> Naresh, I must admit to being confused by your statement "It uses the
> underlying HTTP mechanism (cookie based) for session maintenance".
> First, the document you reference seems to be merely addressing how to
> set the HTTP header to Connection: Keep-Alive.  Second, I see nothing in
> Apache SOAP which allows a server method to set cookies.  Third, I see
> nothing in the Apache SOAP spec for storing cookies on the client side.
> The SOAP spec seems to suggest that things such as sessions,
> authentication, etc can be enabled by placing elements in the SOAP
> header section.  This raises several questions in my mind:
> 1. Has anyone used the header section?  Can you show an example?
> 2. Since the SOAP spec doesn't define anything in the SOAP header
> section then each SOAP implementation is left to define their own way of
> implementing sessions, authentication, etc.  Right?  Consequently,
> Apache SOAP will not work with MS SOAP, etc.  Right?
> /Roger

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