> What data types are the parameters to the methods?  If they are just a set
> of strings, I advise you not to use the BeanSerializer, as that would
> require that your client either use the BeanSerializer or know how to
> encode/decode the SOAP body in such a way that the BeanSerializer knows
> to deserialize at the server.  If your clients are not using Apache SOAP,
> then using the BeanSerializer is a lot of work for them.

AFAIK, the BeanSerializer serializes a JavaBean into regular SOAP encoding,
so you ought not to have any problems using the BeanSerializer.

I have been succesfully using the BeanSerializer to serialize/deserialize
Java objects between Apache SOAP and WebLogic. The BeanSerialier on
the Apache side, and WebLogic's own stuff on that other side.

What interoperability problems have you had with the BeanSerializer ?


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