
I have read most of the book entitled "Understanding Soap" by Scribner and
Striver and I still don't understand the regular SOAP encoding.  I
understand the structure of the soap envelope but there seems to be a
disconnect between the method call and the actual encoding of that method
call into a soap envelope and then the uncoding of the soap envelope back
into the method call on the server.  Do you have any examples of this
process that I may help to clear up the disconnect.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wilkins, Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: RE: xml schemas?

What data types are the parameters to the methods?  If they are just a set
of strings, I advise you not to use the BeanSerializer, as that would
require that your client either use the BeanSerializer or know how to
encode/decode the SOAP body in such a way that the BeanSerializer knows how
to deserialize at the server.  If your clients are not using Apache SOAP,
then using the BeanSerializer is a lot of work for them.

The BeanSerializer works great if you have two or more java-only
applications that need to share/pass java objects to each other in a
distributed environment and your security team won't let you use RMI.

Use regular SOAP encoding if you are passing a set of strings or any other
simple types.  Arrays of Strings work well too.  When parameters become more
complex (Objects that contain other objects, etc.), I prefer literal XML
encoding.  The downside to literal XML encoding is to find SOAP
implementations that support it.  There are a lot of SOAP implementations
that are available for many different platforms.  I got literal XML working
with Apache SOAP and MSSoap, but had trouble with SOAP Lite and I think was
related to a bug.  If anyone out there has gotten this working for real,
please let me know.

In terms of learning more about WSDL, I recently read a white paper @   It mostly talks about the
larger subject of web services, but also drills down into what WSDL is.

Good Luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Field [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 10:05 PM
Subject: RE: xml schemas?


My inputs are not that complex.  The methods are basically to create records
in database tables, like createBusiness, createListing, etc...  I am
creating essentially beans to represent the data needed to create each of
the objects.  I am using the Apache BeanSerializer class provided with Soap
to serialize the beans into xml.  I know that WSDL is used to describe web
services but I haven't worked with it before.  What are your thoughts given
this additional information.

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilkins, Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: xml schemas?

How complex are your inputs/outputs to these methods?  The best thing that
you could do is to create a WSDL file that describes all of your services,
inputs, outputs, bindings, etc. for the client.

The quick and easy way would be to provide a list of services and there
inputs/outputs.  However, if the input and output parameters are of a
complex type, then you are going to need to provide much more information.
I personally think that complex types are best handled by passing literal
xml, and if you do this, then you are going to have to provide schema.

Good Luck.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Field [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:50 PM
Subject: xml schemas?

I am trying to implement a soap service that has 20 or so methods.  I have
defined the data that is needed to invoke each of these methods.  I am doing
the server implementation and another party is doing the client side
implementation.  Do I need to create a schema for each of my commands in
order for them to code the client side of soap?

Thanks in advance,

Bryan Field
Senior Consultant
(703) 729-4990 ext. 228 (main)
(703) 862-5849 (cell)
(703) 832-0364 (fax)
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