--- Dieter Cailliau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i'm just reading that http://xml.apache.org/axis/ =
> (kind of) apache soap
> 3.0,
> should we all use that now?
I guess so.  But, we went with Apache SOAP for a few

-It's good.  It works.  (Documentation could be

-Not a beta version, as Axis was at the time.  Not
that I don't use beta software (WinCVS), but if I have
the choice ... and this will be deployed to production

-Less code -it's just one jar file to figure out, Axis
is more complex (but offers more, for example reliable
transports such as MQ are supported)

-A great list like this one! (I'm sure Axis will/does
have the same great support)


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