Hello People ,
 I have a big problem at my hand and i can't see my way through it..... I downloaded the Apache soap package from there site and it had few sample examples in it like address book and more like that. Now i place the soap.war file in my tomcat folder(c:\tomcat\webapps\soap.war) Now i have the admin running perfectly fine. Now when i come to the examples like the address book examples(the very first one). i I set all the CLASSPATHs and it is deploying the addressbook service perfectly fine ...that mean i think the deployment decriptor file is running just fine. Now when it come to client java file and runs the java file it give the following error.
This test assumes a server URL of http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
Deploying the addressbook service...
Verify that it's there
Deployed Services:
Getting info for "Mr Good"
Start Process
Extracting URL
QNAME: urn:xml-soap-address-demo:address
Generated fault: [Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client] [faultString=Deploy
ment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook
.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address] [faultActorURI=/so
ap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]
Adding "John Doe"
Generated fault: [Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client] [faultString=Deploy
ment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook
.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address] [faultActorURI=/so
ap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]
Query "Mr Doe" to make sure it was added
Start Process
Extracting URL
QNAME: urn:xml-soap-address-demo:address
Generated fault: [Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client] [faultString=Deploy
ment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook
.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address] [faultActorURI=/so
ap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]
Adding an XML file of listings
Generated fault: [Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client] [faultString=Deploy
ment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook
.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address] [faultActorURI=/so
ap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]
Get everyone!
Generated fault: [Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client] [faultString=Deploy
ment error in SOAP service 'urn:AddressFetcher': class name 'samples.addressbook
.Address' could not be resolved: samples.addressbook.Address] [faultActorURI=/so
ap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]
Undeploy it now
Verify that it's gone
Deployed Services:
i can figure out one thng (i could be wrong) that the soap server is not geeting the class files for the server soap files but i did one thing ... i set the class path.......please tell me what sould i do i and also attaching a simple example... if anyone finds what wrong with it please tell me so.......  I need your people help.

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Attachment: SimpleSoap.zip
Description: Zip archive

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