Scott -

What need to be changed are not only prefix, also include SOAP Header, Body, and their
sub-elements. Our customer required a specific format for SOAP Request and Response.
Example of SOAP request like:

<*soap:Envelope* xmlns:soap="";
xmlns:ch=""; xmlns:eb="";

cbody.xsd cheader.xsd status.xsd ticket.xsd response.xsd" >
* <soap:Header> *
<eb:MessageHeader eb:id="ID000001" eb:version="2.0"soap:mustUnderstand = "1">
<eb:Action>Application</eb:Action> </eb:MessageHeader>
<ch:cHeader> <ch:version>1.0</ch:version>
<ch:messageType type="xs:string">string</ch:messageType>
* <soap:Body>*
<eb:Manifest eb:id="ID000002" eb:version="2.0">
<eb:xlink=""; />
</soap:Envelope> *

So how can I achieve this in SOAP RPC call(call.invoke())? Apache SOAP is pretty much predefine those tags.
All I think now is to use message call to achieve but it can not embed object or attachment, isn't it?


Scott Nichol wrote:

Can you be more specific about what you mean by your "own SOAP tags"? Your example shows a different namespace prefix. Is that all you want to do, change the namespace prefixes?

On 3 Jul 2003 at 8:12, Daniel Zhang wrote:

I need to write my own SOAP tags in SOAP message. I prefer to use SOAP RPC call(call.invoke()), but I found
it's not easy to change the SOAP tag(e.g change default Apache SOAP default <SOAP-ENV: Envelope ... to
<soap:Envelope ..., also change other tags). So I turned to use SOAP Message transmission since it's easy to write
your own tag and make it as message.send(). However, I found it's hard to pass any object or attachment.

I wonder how I can solve this problem? Does SOAP RPC call allow you to construct your own tags for SOAP
header and body? Or does SOAP Message allow you to embed any object or attachment?

Thank you all in advance,


Scott Nichol

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