I have this software:
THE APPLICATION_CONTROLLER CLASS import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class application_controller { public static void main(String [] args) { servizio s = new servizio(); composizione c = new composizione( s.c_Nomefile1, s.c_Nomefile2, s.c_Nomefile ); } } THE SERVIZIO CLASS import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class servizio { public static String c_Nomefile; public static String c_Nomefile1; public static String c_Nomefile2; public servizio() { c_Elenco(); c_Scelta(); } static private void c_Elenco() { System.out.println("ELENCO SERVIZI:"); String [] lista = new File(".").list(); //crea lista for(int cx=0; cx<lista.length; cx++) if ( new File(lista[cx]).isFile() ) //verifica se Š file if ( lista[cx].toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".owl") >= 0) //e con estensione .owl System.out.print((" þ "+lista[cx]+" ").substring(0,20)); } static private String input(String prompt) { String instr = ""; try { BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); do { System.out.print(prompt); } while ((instr = inp.readLine()).length() == 0); } catch(Exception e){}; if (instr.lastIndexOf(".") < 0) instr += ".owl"; return instr; } static public void c_Scelta() { c_Nomefile1 = input("\nServizio principale : "); c_Nomefile2 = input("Servizio da comporre: "); // crea nome file composto c_Nomefile = c_Nomefile1.substring(0,c_Nomefile1.lastIndexOf(".")) + c_Nomefile2; } } THE COMPOSIZIONE CLASS import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class composizione { public static int c_Comp; // esito della composizione public composizione (String file_1, String file_2, String file_composto) { output out = new output(); if ( (c_Comp = new metodi_xml(file_2).c_ProceduraTag(file_1)) == 0) { out.c_EliminaFile(); out.c_ScriviMessaggio(); } else { System.out.println("\nFILE COMPOSTO:\n"); out.c_StampaFile(); out.c_SpostaFile(file_1, file_2, file_composto); } } } THE METODI_XML CLASS import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class metodi_xml { public static String c_Tabella; final private static String fileTMP = "tmp.owl"; final private static xml_pars owl = new xml_pars(); //classe parsing .XML private static String tempor; private static String linea; private static boolean corretto; public metodi_xml (String file) { System.out.print("Apro il file "+file+" ... "); if (! (corretto = owl.load_parsing(file)) ) System.out.println("Errore!"); else c_CompilaTabella(file); } public static void c_CompilaTabella(String file) { // crea tabella System.out.println("Ok!\nCompilo la tabella..."); owl.tag(2); //salta header (tag <?> e tag Ontology) c_Tabella = tempor = ""; while(true) { //String tag = owl.ctags(); String tag = owl.tags(); if (owl.nido < 0) break; tempor += tag; c_AnalisiTag(tag); if (linea.length() > 1) c_Tabella += linea + "\n"; } } public static int c_AnalisiTag(String tag) { // ritorna tipo tag e linea linea = "."; if (owl.si_tag(tag,"<owls:") > 0) { linea = owl.search_true(tag, "owls:Class ", "C") + owl.search_true(tag, "owls:ObjectProperty ", "P") + //owl.search_true(tag, "owls:Ontology ", "O") + linea; if (linea.length() == 1) { System.out.println("Tag sconosciuto: " + tag); corretto = false; }; linea += owl.search_tag(tag, "name="); //"owls:name" }; return linea.charAt(0); } public static int c_ProceduraTag(String file) { // esegue utility int comp=0; String temp = "", tag = ""; System.out.print("Apro il file "+file+" ... "); if (! owl.load_parsing(file) ) { System.out.println("Errore!"); corretto = false; }; if (corretto) { System.out.println("Ok!\nAvvio utility..."); owl.tag(2); //salta header (tag <?> e tag Ontology) do { tag = owl.tags(); //o tag = owl.tag(0); int tipo = c_AnalisiTag(tag); if (linea.length() > 1) { if (c_Tabella.indexOf(linea) < 0) { //temp += owl.ctag_root(owl.xml_id); temp += owl.tag_root(owl.xml_id); } else { if (tipo == 'C') comp = 1; //... } } } while (owl.nido >= 0); }; if (!corretto) { System.out.println("Utility interrotta per errori."); comp = 0; }; // if (temp.length() > 0) { //aggiunge intestazione padre owl.reset(); tempor = owl.tags() + owl.tags() + tempor + temp + tag; //}; //temp + tempor + tag; //}; owl.save_pars(fileTMP, tempor); //crea file temporaneo return comp; } } THE OUTPUT CLASS import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class output { final private static String fileTMP = "tmp.owl"; final private static String cartellaServizi = "servizi"; final private static xml_pars owl = new xml_pars(2,8); //classe parsing .XML private static void waitkey() { try { System.out.print("\nPremere INVIO per proseguire..."); System.in.read(); System.out.println(); } catch(Exception e) {} } public static void c_SpostaFile(String file_1, String file_2, String file_composto) { owl.newdir(cartellaServizi); //se non c'Š crea la cartella //new File(cartellaServizi).mkdirs(); new File(fileTMP).renameTo(new File(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_composto)); if (owl.load_parsing(fileTMP)) { owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_composto); c_EliminaFile(); owl.load_parsing(file_1); owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_1); owl.load_parsing(file_2); owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_2); } } public static void c_StampaFile() { int cx=0; if (owl.load_parsing(fileTMP)) do { System.out.print(owl.ctags()); if ( ((++cx)&15) == 0) waitkey(); } while (owl.nido >= 0 || cx<3); } public static void c_EliminaFile() { owl.delfile(fileTMP); //new File(fileTMP).delete(); } public static void c_ScriviMessaggio() { System.out.println("\nI due servizi non sono tra loro componibili."); waitkey(); } } How can I create the .dd file and the application file to transform this
software in a web service? Thanks for the help and excuse for the lenght of the
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- Re: problems in creating a web service Francesco Dipalo
- Re: problems in creating a web service Felipe Furtado Palma Dias
- Re: problems in creating a web service Francesco Dipalo
- Re: problems in creating a web serv... Felipe Palma Dias
- Re: problems in creating a web service Scott Nichol
- Re: problems in creating a web service Francesco Dipalo
- Re: problems in creating a web serv... Felipe Palma Dias
- Re: problems in creating a web serv... Scott Nichol
- Re: problems in creating a web ... Francesco Dipalo
- Re: problems in creating a... Scott Nichol
- Re: problems in creati... Francesco Dipalo