What does it mean "to factor a class"?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Nichol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: problems in creating a web service

It looks to me like servizio methods prompt the user for input and write
stuff to System.out.  SOAP does not interact with a user.

The composizione also seems to directly or indirectly interact with
System.in and System.out.  Besides that, it has no methods, just a

To expose some of your logic through SOAP, you need to factor out classes
that just do computations, file and database I/O, etc.  The code that
interacts with a human needs to be in the client application.

Scott Nichol

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Francesco Dipalo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: problems in creating a web service

> For example, if I have this java class
> package javasoap.book.ch4;
> public class MethodCounter {
>    int _counter;
>    public MethodCounter() {
>       _counter = 0;
>    }
>    public int getCount() {
>       return _counter;
>    }
>  }
> I create a deployment descriptor file and an application like this to
> execute the getCount method:
> package javasoap.book.ch4;
> import java.net.*;
> import org.apache.soap.*;
> import org.apache.soap.rpc.*;
> public class GetCountApp {
>    public static void main(String[] args)
>       throws Exception {
>       URL url =
>         new URL(
>           "http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter";);
>       Call call = new Call();
>       call.setTargetObjectURI("urn:CallCounterService");
>       call.setMethodName("getCount");
>       try {
>          Response resp = call.invoke(url, "");
>          Parameter ret = resp.getReturnValue();
>          Object value = ret.getValue();
>          System.out.println("Result is " + value);
>       }
>       catch (SOAPException e) {
>          System.err.println("Caught SOAPException (" +
>                          e.getFaultCode() + "): " +
>                          e.getMessage());
>       }
>    }
> }
> Do you understand now what my purpose is? In my case I want to execute
> servizio and composizione methods.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Scott Nichol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:18 PM
> Subject: Re: problems in creating a web service
> What exactly do you mean by "transform this software in a web service"?
> What classes and/or methods to you want to access via SOAP?
> Scott Nichol
> Do not send e-mail directly to this e-mail address,
> because it is filtered to accept only mail from
> specific mail lists.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Francesco Dipalo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:41 AM
> Subject: problems in creating a web service
> I have this software:
> import java.io.*;
> import java.util.*;
> public class application_controller {
>  public static void main(String [] args) {
>        servizio s = new servizio();
>        composizione c = new composizione(
>               s.c_Nomefile1, s.c_Nomefile2, s.c_Nomefile );
>  }
> }
> import java.io.*;
> import java.util.*;
> public class servizio {
>  public static String c_Nomefile;
>  public static String c_Nomefile1;
>  public static String c_Nomefile2;
>  public servizio() {
>        c_Elenco();
>        c_Scelta();
>  }
>  static private void c_Elenco() {
>   System.out.println("ELENCO SERVIZI:");
>   String [] lista = new File(".").list();        //crea lista
>   for(int cx=0; cx<lista.length; cx++)
>     if ( new File(lista[cx]).isFile() )          //verifica se S file
>        if ( lista[cx].toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(".owl") >= 0)     //e con
> estensione .owl
>               System.out.print((" þ "+lista[cx]+"
> ").substring(0,20));
>  }
>  static private String input(String prompt) {
>    String instr = "";
>    try {
>        BufferedReader inp = new BufferedReader(new
> InputStreamReader(System.in));
>        do {
>               System.out.print(prompt);
>        } while ((instr = inp.readLine()).length() == 0);
>      } catch(Exception e){};
>    if (instr.lastIndexOf(".") < 0) instr += ".owl";
>    return instr;
>  }
>  static public void c_Scelta() {
>     c_Nomefile1 = input("\nServizio principale : ");
>     c_Nomefile2 = input("Servizio da comporre: ");
>     // crea nome file composto
>     c_Nomefile = c_Nomefile1.substring(0,c_Nomefile1.lastIndexOf(".")) +
> c_Nomefile2;
>  }
> }
> import java.io.*;
> import java.util.*;
> public class composizione {
>  public static int c_Comp;                // esito della composizione
>  public composizione (String file_1, String file_2, String file_composto)
>        output out = new output();
>        if ( (c_Comp = new metodi_xml(file_2).c_ProceduraTag(file_1)) == 0)
>               out.c_EliminaFile();
>               out.c_ScriviMessaggio();
>        } else {
>               System.out.println("\nFILE COMPOSTO:\n");
>               out.c_StampaFile();
>               out.c_SpostaFile(file_1, file_2, file_composto);
>        }
>  }
> }
> import java.io.*;
> import java.util.*;
> public class metodi_xml {
>  public static String c_Tabella;
>  final private static String fileTMP = "tmp.owl";
>  final private static xml_pars owl = new xml_pars();    //classe parsing
> .XML
>  private static String tempor;
>  private static String linea;
>  private static boolean corretto;
>  public metodi_xml (String file) {
>        System.out.print("Apro il file "+file+" ... ");
>        if (! (corretto = owl.load_parsing(file)) )
>               System.out.println("Errore!");
>        else c_CompilaTabella(file);
>  }
>  public static void c_CompilaTabella(String file) {     // crea tabella
>        System.out.println("Ok!\nCompilo la tabella...");
>        owl.tag(2);          //salta header (tag <?> e tag Ontology)
>        c_Tabella = tempor = "";
>        while(true) {
>               //String tag = owl.ctags();
>               String tag = owl.tags();
>               if (owl.nido < 0) break;
>               tempor += tag; c_AnalisiTag(tag);
>               if (linea.length() > 1) c_Tabella += linea + "\n";
>        }
>  }
>  public static int c_AnalisiTag(String tag) {           // ritorna tipo
> e linea
>        linea = ".";
>        if (owl.si_tag(tag,"<owls:") > 0) {
>               linea = owl.search_true(tag, "owls:Class ", "C") +
>                       owl.search_true(tag, "owls:ObjectProperty ", "P") +
>                       //owl.search_true(tag, "owls:Ontology ", "O") +
>                       linea;
>               if (linea.length() == 1) {
>                      System.out.println("Tag sconosciuto: " + tag);
>                      corretto = false; };
>               linea += owl.search_tag(tag, "name=");    //"owls:name"
>        };
>        return linea.charAt(0);
>  }
>  public static int c_ProceduraTag(String file) {        // esegue utility
>        int comp=0; String temp = "", tag = "";
>        System.out.print("Apro il file "+file+" ... ");
>        if (! owl.load_parsing(file) ) {
>               System.out.println("Errore!");
>               corretto = false; };
>        if (corretto) {
>               System.out.println("Ok!\nAvvio utility...");
>               owl.tag(2);   //salta header (tag <?> e tag Ontology)
>               do {
>                      tag = owl.tags();    //o tag = owl.tag(0);
>                      int tipo = c_AnalisiTag(tag);
>                      if (linea.length() > 1) {
>                             if (c_Tabella.indexOf(linea) < 0) {
>                                    //temp += owl.ctag_root(owl.xml_id);
>                                    temp += owl.tag_root(owl.xml_id);
>                             } else {
>                                    if (tipo == 'C') comp = 1;  //...
>                             }
>                      }
>               } while (owl.nido >= 0);
>        };
>        if (!corretto) { System.out.println("Utility interrotta per
> errori."); comp = 0; };
> //     if (temp.length() > 0) {           //aggiunge intestazione padre
>               owl.reset(); tempor = owl.tags() + owl.tags() +
>                      tempor + temp + tag; //};   //temp + tempor + tag;
>        owl.save_pars(fileTMP, tempor);    //crea file temporaneo
>        return comp;
>  }
> }
> import java.io.*;
> import java.util.*;
> public class output {
>  final private static String fileTMP = "tmp.owl";
>  final private static String cartellaServizi = "servizi";
>  final private static xml_pars owl = new xml_pars(2,8); //classe parsing
> .XML
>  private static void waitkey() {
>   try {
>        System.out.print("\nPremere INVIO per proseguire...");
>        System.in.read(); System.out.println();
>     } catch(Exception e) {}
>  }
>  public static void c_SpostaFile(String file_1, String file_2, String
> file_composto) {
>        owl.newdir(cartellaServizi);       //se non c'S crea la cartella
>        //new File(cartellaServizi).mkdirs(); new
> File(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_composto));
>        if (owl.load_parsing(fileTMP)) {
>               owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi + "/" + file_composto);
> c_EliminaFile();
>               owl.load_parsing(file_1); owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi +
> "/" + file_1);
>               owl.load_parsing(file_2); owl.save_parsing(cartellaServizi +
> "/" + file_2);
>        }
>  }
>  public static void c_StampaFile() {
>    int cx=0;
>    if (owl.load_parsing(fileTMP))
>        do {   System.out.print(owl.ctags()); if ( ((++cx)&15) == 0)
> waitkey();
>        } while (owl.nido >= 0 || cx<3);
>  }
>  public static void c_EliminaFile() {
>        owl.delfile(fileTMP);       //new File(fileTMP).delete();
>  }
>  public static void c_ScriviMessaggio() {
>        System.out.println("\nI due servizi non sono tra loro
>        waitkey();
>  }
> }
> How can I create the .dd file and the application file to transform this
> software in a web service? Thanks for the help and excuse for the lenght
> the message
>  --
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