Hello Scale fans.

I am pleased to announce a new venue for the 8th annual  ISSA Southern
California Scale Glider Festival.
This year we will have our meet, September  21,22,23 at the Pomona Valley
Model Airplane Club field,
in Chino California.  This premier field has a new 800 foot runway with pit
area, and tons of parking. 
The field is located  in the middle of farm land. The runway faces directly
into the prevailing breezes.

Some of the current vendors will be EMS Germany, Multiplex USA and Hobby
Club.  There are many near buy
Hotels and Restaurants, See the ISSA  "Events" page for entry form, maps and
lodging information.  

Scale Judging this year will be done by the new ISSA scale rules and
scoring, you can also see this information
on the events page. 

We will also plan to meet and have libations Saturday evening 8:00,  at a
restaurant to be announced at the field.  

I wish to thank Paul Kopp the president of PVMAC and the club members for
there enthusiasm
to make this a great venue for this year and possibly a regular annual

Please get your entry's in early, you won't want to miss this one!!!

Regards to All


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