I'd also like to congratulate Skip Miller for his exceptional landing performance at 
the SWC.  I don't know his individual round landing scores,  but doing the math 
backward,  you can determine his average landing.  There were 3,460 possible points in 
the contest and Skip accumulated 3364 points.  Assuming his addemup time was perfect 
at 46 minutes (probably the case),   Skip only lost a total of 96 landing points 
through seven rounds.  That means he only lost an average of 13.7 points per landing.  
Although that might not seem remarkable,  please remember that these points were 
decrimenting at one point per inch instead of the normal AMA one point per three 
inches.  If these landings had been flown on a standard AMA tape,  they would have 
scored an average 95.5.  For those that attend a lot of contests,  that figure isn't 
particularly remarkable and has been duplicated numerous times.  However,  to truly 
appreciate this level of proficiency,  please remember that the majority of Skip's  
landings were occurring during gusty and turbulent conditions with down wind or cross 
wind vectors of 10-20 knots.  That's astounding.  The next time you're out practicing 
landings on a windy day,  put a 14" circle out as your target and see how consistently 
you can park the nose on the spot when it's downwind/crosswind at 15 knots.  Of 
course,  you'd probably be a fool to practice in these conditions as damage to the 
glider is the usual consequence.

IAC,  congratulations Skip!  You sure humbled us at this contest.


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