Otto writes:

>Seems to me that that the future of F3J is in the winches.
>Sure it will be very much like Task A from F3B but the
>models will still be very different when you don't
>need to make Tasks B and C....

I like towing, and the bizarre "launch race" that is part of
F3-J because of the 10 minute working/flight time situation.
It adds an element of adventure to an otherwise mundane
"floater" contest.

However I don't think that F3-J would cease to exist if it adopted
even IDENTICAL rules to F3B task A.
I actually think that participation, at least in the USA would increase,
as winches plus no need for an instant "nuclear" launch, with the
death penalty for mishaps/line breaks etc. plus the extremely
annoying "reflights" would appeal to a much broader segment of
thermal pilots.
There are many pilots who just might win a TD contest on any
given day who will probably never develop the skills needed
for F3B speed or distance.  They also would be able to fly just
about any model they like, with at least some chance of winning.

The BARCS people have lamented the fact that F3-J has become
brutally high-tech and difficult/dangerous/expensive beyond the
originator's intentions.

All could be made well again by using winches and 11 minutes of
working time.
This would make the event much more accessable to the masses,
and the F3B geeks will fly it anyway, since we have no life, and
can use our killer planes if we want to.

Meanwhile ordinary folk can compete with a chance to win with the
TD models they use every weekend now, and without needing a
team etc. to be a player.

John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca
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