> I'm still learning how to use this 8uhfs of mine and I need some help. 
> Ok here is what I'm trying to do.  I have a full house glider with a v
> tail and I'm using the canned v tail mixer with rudder values set to
> zero. Then I'm using two p-mixers to mix in the rudder so that I can
> have rudder differential because the canned mixer doesn't have
> differential.  This setup works great but now I want to have aileron to
> rudder coupling and at the same time have rudder differential. So I set
> up one more mixer (aileron -rudder) but now it only works the right
> side.  Then when I turn on the link it works only the left side. Can

I suspect the problem arises because you've set the rudder mix values
to zero. How about trying this:

Use the canned V-tail mix and set the rudder/elevator amounts to
give you about what you want. Then use the ATV (servo travel
adjustments) to decrease the up movement and increase the
down movement to get the rudder differential you want. The problem
now is you also have elevator differential (I actually live with this
and don't find it a problem). Now use a P-mix to mix elevator to
elevator with the link function on - by using a small positive amount
of mixing with up-elevator you should increase the up travel, and
a small negative amount with down-elevator should decrease the
down-travel - without affecting the rudder differential. A single
P-mix (with link on) should now effect aileron-rudder coupling.

Hope this helps.

Ciao - Chris

Chris Kaiser

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