This was my first Nationals. I've been home now a week and the mind has
cleared and I'm finally dried out again. I have a few comments I'd like
to make.

1) Thanks to all of dedicated workers who made it happen. Alden Shipp
had the full list. They cannot be thanked enough. From the registration
to the landing zones everything was sharp. A special thanks to all of
the men and women who worked in the transmitter impound. They had to a
lot of steps for each contestant all day long.

2) The AMA site is incredible. I have seen aerial shots, plot maps and
drawings but it is not until it is seen in person that you really
appreciate it. That much land with all of the work for amount spent is
impressive. There are many more things to be done and time will take
care of that.

3) It was fun to meet the faces behind the names from the exchange. Lots
of really great people. After years of Formula one and Quickee 500 then
helicopters I know why I have settle on soaring. It IS the people.

4) The atmosphere of the contest was fun. Very competitive but yet low
key at the same time. Very fun.

5) The Man on Man format is the only way to hold contest of this size.
Are you listening Visalia CD?????

I only have too very minor items that I would like to see modified if it

1) Allow one pop off per class. Many people were completely taken out of
the competition because of pop off. (I didn't have any BTW.)  I know
many would say it is the National Championships and you should be ready.
Things happen and I don't believe it would have slowed things down much
with the launch system that was used. 

2) Maybe there was a logical reason for the flight groups to be as they
were considering frequencies, however I seemed to have many of the same
people in my group over and over. Steve Seibenaler and I shared flights
at least 4 times in Open. This occurred in 2 meter as well with a couple
of others.

If there is a possibility of "mixing it up" a little more it would be

In summary this was a very memorable experience. I would encourage
everyone to try to make a Nats. It is a great time with great people. I
am very glad I live in an area that is much hotter as it prepared me for
the conditions we were faced with. I'm happy to be home where the
temperature and humidity are not the same!!!

Darwin N. Barrie
Scottsdale AZ
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