Ray & I will differ on the interpretation of true man on man.. I've learned
the below format as a "Ladder Tournament" or ladder Draw.. seeding winners
against each other and pitting non-winners in their own groups..

I look at true man-on-man as a random matrix, Ideally pitting each flyer
agaist all others through an event and minimizing re-matches..

regardless, both methods are far better than the non-normalized alternatives..

At 09:33 PM 8/9/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Ray Hayes                                 call or fax......1-(810) 781-7018
>Sky Bench Aerotech                   email.....  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>P.O. Box 316                             website..  http://www.skybench.com
>Washington, Michigan 48094                    Model Aviation Headquarters
>The 1976 LSF Tournament in Santa Rosa, Ca. flew true Man On Man, as does
>Bob Massman of Dayton Ohio in the Clubs Hand Launch contests.
>True Man on Man competition makes the winners of each round fly against
>each other in subsequent rounds. Rounds are made up of flyers with
>comparable scores from the previous round.
>This gives the 800 point guys that earn a 1000 point round a chance to
>knock off all the 1000 point flyers in one round if he can bury them.
>This also means you would see Joe flying in the same group with Daryl and
>that may mean one of them would being flying in the 800 point group the
>following round. This obviously opens up the contest to a real shoot out.
>True Man on Man format adds a great deal more interest to the contest. 
>When you go to the launching area, you are flying with/and against your
>> From: Steve Siebenaler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Darwin N. Barrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Nationals
>> Date: Monday, August 09, 1999 9:02 PM
>> Darwin,
>> Tell me your frequency so I can switch.....  I just can't handle the
>> competition.... :-)  Just kidding....  
>> Steve
>> At 04:15 PM 8/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>> >2) Maybe there was a logical reason for the flight groups to be as they
>> >were considering frequencies, however I seemed to have many of the same
>> >people in my group over and over. Steve Seibenaler and I shared flights
>> >at least 4 times in Open. This occurred in 2 meter as well with a couple
>> >of others.
>> Steve Siebenaler
>> Huntsville, Alabama
>> RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe"
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>RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and
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Mike Stump

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