The other day I was flying with two flying buddies.  the day was pretty nice, 
thermals popping all around, getting 5-10 min flights mostly with my Lil Bird 
2m. finally I launched and the model veered slowly to the right, correction 
did not help, and within seconds it was heading straight down!  
    About 40 ft up it popped off and began the bottom of a loop.  It skimmed 
the grass at about mach 2 and zoomed across the street and up into a tree.
    I discovered that I had forgotten to turn the Transmitter on!  Once on, 
the controls moved great!  just still in the tree.
    It took about an hour to retreive the airplane.  Damage was confined to a 
damaged leading edge, and some crushed sheet on the D tube.  Easily repaired. 
  This is ONE TOUGH little bird Ray!  Nice design.
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