I've been playing with a light weight HLG (7.2oz) with Spectra pull-pull.
Previous experience with Epsilon type construction has been good with little
need to adjust the pull-pull as the strings stay tight enough with the glass
covered, balsa slab surfaces.  However my new HLG uses skin hinged foam
surfaces (15psi foam with .75oz glass).  This hinge is not strong enough to
hold the required tension on the strings to maintain slop free surfaces.
The hinge deforms from this (light) load and the strings go sloppy.  Perhaps
a doubler on the skin hinge would work, but pushrods would also work on this
Still searching for the optimum solution.
John Kappus

> Does Anybody have any experience building and or flying a Corndogger HLG?
> not, someone answer this question: I've been advised by several people to
> avoid the (spectra cord in this case) pull/pull method of controling.
Have I
> been well advised?  Why are conventional push/pull controls better?  

>I have an Epsilon by Fred Mallet. I believe it is essentially the same
set up on the Corndogger. The spectra system works fine. The control
input is positive with no flexing and litte chance of flutter.

>Keep in mind you must check it occasionally and retention as necessary.
It takes about 2 minutes for both rudder and elevator. It is extremely
simple, stay with the plan.

>Darwin N. Barrie
Scottsdale AZ

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