I fly our small midwestern slopes for fun and just bashing around.  Thermal for the 
fun of finding those killer thermals.  I also
fly helicopters.  I have three, Ergo 30, Ergo 60 Sport and the Z230 gasser.  I 
actually think the heli flying has helped my sail
plane abilities.  I always bring a sail plane usually a boomerang to bungie after 
flying the helicopters to help me unwind.


James V. Bacus wrote:

> At 03:25 PM 8/31/99 -0700, Brett Jaffee wrote:
> >Just curious...how many of you also fly power planes - either gas/glow
> >powered, or electric powered "typical" power planes (i.e, not
> >powered gliders).  Does anyone fly slope, thermal and power.  I've got the
> >impression from where I fly at that slope gliding is sort
> >of a middle ground, in that most people on the slope either do slope and
> >power, or slope and thermal, but there aren't as many
> >people who do power planes and thermal gliders (and not slope), or who do
> >all three.
> I own all three types plus HLG's, but I totally got burnt out on and lost
> interest in wet power.
> Soaring is so much more intriguing to me.
> Jim
> Visit my R/C Soaring Page at http://www.mcs.net/~bacuslab/soaring.html
> Visit the S.O.A.R. club page at http://www.mcs.net/~stmeyer/SOAR/index.html
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