To begin, the following comments are regarding combat
in So. California and not Slope Racing. 

Yes, the glass elevon will make the foamie fly better, but think
of it this way.  Most of you do not own your slope.  All your
pilots MAY have AMA, but if AMA knew you were flying
combat with glass elevons, they would freak.  They do
not even like foamie combat now, they will not sanction
an event even without glassed elevons because of safety.

REMEMBER, you live and fly in the SUE ME STATE
of California.

Next, who owns your slope.  They can get sued when
one of those razor blades slices into someone.  Will
this ever happen, maybe not, but approach the owner
of your slope (city, county, state or private) and ask
them if they like the idea, because they are liable, and
so are the promoters of the event.

I will never fly in or be associated with any combat
event where this is allowed.  To protect my slope
in Poway, I will do everything in my power to prevent
an event from taking place that allows such a modification.
I value my slope too much to lose it to something like
this.  I turned my head in the last event in Poway, I
did not want to know.  I will not do the same again.

The Temple Hill Gang are a great group of guys, I hope
they wake up before they lose that slope.

Sorry, these are my feelings and I am tired of people
trying to change them.

Jerry R. Craft VWP 
Wk 858-320-4128
Cel 760-803-6955

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