
My friend Richard and I attended the Visalia contest and then went over
the pass though Yosemite into the Mammoth Lakes area on a fly fishing
trip.   As we had our foamies with us, we had the opportunity to fly in
a number of unusual locations.  Fishing lake Crowley one day we broke
for lunch, set up the bungee and quickly drew a crowd of float tubers. 
Most of these guys had never seen an RC plane before as we tried to
slope the nonexistent lift off the bluffs of Green Banks.  The following
day we took a jeep trail up to Laurel Lakes at 10,250 ft above sea level
searching for the elusive Golden Trout.  When we got there it was 29
degrees and the wind was blowing in gusts of 25 to 30. Fly fishing was
not an option. Out comes my EPP Cutter. Two throws into extreme
turbulent air got be maybe 30 feet of altitude before being blown into
the rock talus slopes that surround the lake.  Lets see, 10,250 + 30 =
10,280 feet above sea level. A new foamie altitude record ?  Probably
not, but it was a kick. Later in the afternoon, coming down the hill, we
found a more favorable slope for some Cutter vs Boomerang combat at
8,500 ft.  At this altitude you need to fly a little faster and not pull
quite so hard in the turns as I found out to my dismay.  From 45% out
from the slope at about 100 ft up I tried to turn in across the slope
for a high speed pass. Doing Warp 9 my Cutter disappears behind a small
pine tree to our left.  THWACK !  The Cutter does not come out on the
other side.  When I walk over to see what happened I find a capped metal
tube sticking up out of the ground with a lid padlocked shut on top of
it.  Right next to it is a 12 ft 4x4 post with an antenna array on top.
Just below the antenna array is some Ultracote embedded in splinters on
the post.  The mangled remains of the Cutter were hanging in the pine
tree.  After retrieving the remains from the tree I found a sticker on
the metal tube sticking up out of the ground. It read, "US SEISMOLOGICAL
STATION  DO NOT DISTURB".  Sooooo, If any of you heard a report of earth
tremors in the Mammoth Lakes area last week, not to worry. It was just
my Cutter, which I will repair and rename Richter 9.0 .  If any body
else has stories about remote flying sites, or high altitude sites lets
hear em. 

Ground Fault Boy
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