First, thanks to everyone who responded with the Boomerang CG.  I flew it
today and, because it was so windy I ended up strapping some lead to the
front and it flew fairly stable.  It had a hard time penetrating the wind,
but with a little down elevator it did well.  

So, I have a couple of other questions now (I can hear the groans).  First,
what are the upper wind speed limits for flying the Boomerang?  

Second, why can't I get the wing to do rolls?  I have my aileron settings at
100% but it does this really sloppy stall like roll, instead of a smoother
snap roll.  Should I be travelling at a specific speed?  More than likely I
am doing something wrong, but would appreciate any help from you experienced
wing flyers out there.

I am pretty impressed with its performance.  I figured out that my loops
were ending in stalls because I gave too much input control, instead of more
smooth controlled input.  After I figured out to be more loose on the
sticks, it flew much smoother.  Also, when your flying way WAY out (like I
did today to find the outer limits of the lift band) what is the best most
controlled way to come in for a landing.  I wasnt quite sure, so I would
point the nose down while coming in down wind to keep the speed up, and then
turn quickly back into the wind towards myself for a landing.  This looked
fairly sloppy, but it was so windy, I was afraid of losing control too near
the face of the cliff.  Any other slope advice would be greatly appreciated.
 This is my second slope ship (my first Zagi EPP turned out to be too heavy
so I gutted it for the parts, but will have to put it back together for
windy days like today).

Thanks for all your help, I am feeling more and more comfortable with the
advice under my belt from everyone on the list!

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