My daughter and I joined the groups enjoying the rising of the full moon
from Vollmer peak in Berkeley 12/21/99 around 6:00. Without warning and
silently, an object of unknown dimensions appeared at approximately
10:00 from the rising moon. Fortunately, I had my digital video camera
with me! I captured roughly 6 minutes of the apparition, which lasted
roughly 20 minutes. I have edited it down to a 10 mbyte mpeg file which
can be seen at:
  The object seemed to be composed of 3 distinct segments, each of a
different color - blue/green, red/orange, and yellow/green. It was
difficult to determine the size or range from us, but could well have
been hundreds of meters in size, and tens of kilometers in range. The
speed and maneuverability was fantastic - it appeared to cross the
distance from 10:00 to the moon, past the moon, and back in mere
seconds, indicating a possible velocity of 20,000 mph! Yet no sonic boom
was evident. 
  The UFO also exhibited unusual attitude manuevers - twice performing
what appeared to be a "barrel roll" (seen towards the end of the clip).
These must have incurred fantastic g-forces on the occupants of the
craft, for it clearly exhibited signs of being operated by an
intelligence far superior to current technology.
  Speculation arises on the motive for it's appearance during this time
- the obvious conclusion being that the full moon offered a rare
opportunity to observe the earth at night under maximum illumination,
with minimum exposure to view. Why it chose to be visible to us remains
unknown - the lights may be a byproduct of it's "drive" mechanism. Could
the beings opeating this craft have come from the moon? Perhaps they are
visitors from Mars, having destroyed our attempts to view them recently
(the Mars Polar Lander) and have traced us back to earth.
  During the final moments of the apparation, an unsual beeping sound
was heard to eminate from a source nearby. The apparition seemed to be
startled by this, as it suddenly darted to our right and vanished below
the horizon, after which the beeping sound ceased. Given the velocity of
sound, this indicates that the object may have been considerably smaller
and nearer than earlier suspected. 
  Local authorities have been contacted and are investigating the
Tom Rust
Nanochip Inc
Box 13249
Oakland, CA 94661
(510) 339-6263
(510) 339-9636 FAX
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