Reminds me of the "old" days(70s) of thermal duration when many a time I saw
Fred Weaver come to a contest, borrow a plane, hand launch it a couple of
times, then proceed to "clean house."  Wish I could  fly my "modern" TD ship
half as good as he flew the old RES stuff- just goes back to "its the pilot,
not the plane" that wins contests.   Walter
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Soaring@Airage. com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 6:02 PM
Subject: [RCSE] RES musings (long)

>In jest.
>At least Tom you didn't have to buy it at the field.
>I had one contestant in May break his gorgeous plane at the field in the
>early stages of getting ready.  The problem was radio failure.  He then
>proceeded to win the contest with  someone else's "wife's" plane- one of
>those foam two meter beginners planes.
>So the moral of the story is to show up at the field and borrow or buy your
>plane right there.
>Then you can be first instead of second.
>Next F3B worlds the manufacturers are going to line up at the contest and
>beg Daryl to buy theirs as he steps up for the first speed run.  And some
>enterprising soul is going to have a 50/50 draw on Daryl's odds to raise
>money to get the team to the site.
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