Hi Art,
We've met at Visalia several times.
Two years ago I won Nostalgia (actually RES) at Visalia with an original 19 
year old Viking Mk. I. All wood, Monocote covered. Got medium launches, did 
great thermalling, pretty good landings (read lucky). I was using spoiler 
elevator mixing with CD's blessing. My score would have placed me 51st 
overall. The old Viking beat 225 other planes, all newer, all more expensive, 
and most of those flyers are pretty good. Last year I flew a RES plane and 
didn't do well but my overall score still beat about 150 open flyers.
Flying was different because I had to be very careful not to get too far 
downwind because of poor penetration ability. I also had to be very careful 
not to be too high near the max time--that old plane had to be brought down 
carefully partly because of it's age and partly because of the design.
Though I took some abuse from my flying buddies for flying "low-tech" I had a 
real good time. 
I plan on attending the May bent wing contest. I am trying to decide wheather 
to use my Viking or my RES OD.
By the way I am not anti-hi-tech. My new Hera is almost ready to go.
Mike Clancy
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