Not only no, but @#$% NO! Get a 2500 from
Hobby Lobby. It’ll charge up to 4 cells up to 2.5A. And it’s
cheap. The A4 is only for NiCad, NiMh and wet cells. From: Andrew
Famiglietti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Since there are so many knowledgeable folks on this exchange I
thought I'd seek your advice. I have an Alpha-4 battery charger and I'm wondering whether or
not its suitable to use for charging Li-po batteries. If so are there
any precautions that should be taken or special technique that should be used. Andrew |
- RE: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries George Voss
- Re: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries Marta Zavala
- Re: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries lomcovak
- Re: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries Morris McKenna
- Re: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries Doug McLaren
- [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries Andrew Famiglietti
- RE: [RCSE] charging Li-po batteries glide