I should probably leave it since I have not read every post (dont have time always). But I did a very simple test a while ago for myself. Not any scientific as I did not think there was need. But the numbers are there still http://www.jojoen.no/volz
So up too 1,8A with a MM XP
I am prety sure that the elevator servo on a X-tail sailplane demands just as much power as a flap servo. But that is only in the zoom and speed turns mostly. Atleast my zooms improved when I changed the servo... I will sure outfit my Supra with a good elevator servo for sure. But I will stay with my regular 4cell pack and wires I find convenient that day. I dont think there is much power needed for a rudder in a TD model. Unless the rudder is huge. I fly my Superior and Giant electro with a tiny 6g servo on rudder and have no issues (other than in out of the car...).

Hilsen (Regards) Jojo
NEW: www.jojoen.no


Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:52:58 -0600
To: Mark Drela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Carbon Supra #48 flies - weight < 61 oz !

Mark I enjoy reading your posts, very interesting. Makes me think of Spock. :-)

What about elevator loads?  And elevator servo moment?  How would
that be calculated?

At 10:08 AM 2/18/2006, Mark Drela wrote:

Molded Supra launch hinge moments are listed below,
for a 200 lb tow load (hard F3j launch).  For smaller
tow loads, hinge moments will be proportionally smaller.

wing camber = +10 deg
rudder defl =  30 deg
wing CL = 1.2
lift = 200 lbs
q = 0.16 psi = 1104 Pa
V = 95 mph = 42.5 m/s

Flap hinge moment  =  4.87 in-lb  =  78 in-oz  =  5.62 kgf-cm
Ail. hinge moment  =  3.15 in-lb  =  50 in-oz  =  3.60 kgf-cm
Rud. hinge moment  =  2.12 in-lb  =  34 in-oz  =  2.45 kgf-cm

To get the servo moment (torque), this hinge moment must be multiplied
by a linkage geometry factor, which is approximately by the ratio of
servo/surface horn lengths. This is between 0.7 - 0.9 for most installations.
Assuming a horn length ratio of 0.8, the servo moments are:

Flap servo moment  =  62 in-oz
Ail. servo moment  =  40 in-oz
Rud. servo moment  =  27 in-oz


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