I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for writing to me. Talk about getting an education while looking for a glider...LOL Also even managed to run into a fellow kite flier along the way. My name is Charly, and I own "Kite Classifieds" WWW.kitelife.com/classifieds and Steve Bixby and I have met each others a few times. (are you going to kite party 4 Steve? I can't make it this year) Back in the early 1970's while stationed in the military at Fort Monmouth, N.J. I got into flying gliders. In my off duty time I went to work for Ernie Weiss who owned J and J Enterprises. J and J produced such kits as the "Banshee", the "Trouble Maker" The "American Eagle" glider, and "Ed Norba's quarter midget mustang" among other things. I also met Arnie and Ingrid Peterson who lived near Sandy Hook area. Arnie and a friend who I can't remember were developing the "Nebula" glider. That was my very first foam cored and wood sheeted winged glider. I was spoiled after that, and from then on everything had to have foam wings with wood covering...LOL I even made the rest of my control line planes with foam wings that were wood covered. I was lucky enough to have a friend with his own home made foam cutting system. I got out of flying in the early 1980's (about the time I got into kite flying...LOL), but I have always missed the peace and quiet I enjoyed while out flying my gliders some where. Like I said before when I got out of flying gliders the hot thing was foam cored wings with wood sheeting the wing.

Thanks to all of you that have written I am learning that things have changed a lot since I left the sport back then...LOL So let me change what I am looking for just a little then. I would like a fiber glass or carbon fiber fuselage with foam cored wings covered in what ever they are using to replace the wood I use to cover wings with. I would also like to find a glider that is electric powered if possible because I hate using hi starts, and there usually isn't a lot of room around Seattle to lay out hi starts. I am also looking for a thermal glider and not a slope glider.
Thanks Again
Charly Whitaker

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