Darwin, Jim, Dave, Gordy and anyone who has contributed to any mag or periodical on a soaring topic:


Having been a newsletter editor for too long and having written monthly for RCSD for about 6 years, putting together a column, even on a topic you really enjoy, is tough work. The hours aren't great and the only pay you get is the occasional comment or feedback from the readers. You guys have done, and continue to do, a great job.

That said, I'd love to see more in MA about soaring but that's not where the majority of the readers are going. So be it. The monthly (bi-monthly) soaring columns are great, NATS coverage is very much appreciated and the occasional articles on soaring are a way to keep our side of the hobby in front of the rest of the community.

RCSD is one outlet for soaring specific interests. Forums like RCSE and RCGroups are other ways to get information and ideas. But the bottom line is that no one should complain about lack of coverage if they've never written an article for their newsletter or submitted something to RCSD or some other mag. Every one has some knowledge or experience worth sharing. Write it up!

I can't tell you how many times someone has sent an e-mail noting a favorite topic they'd like to have covered. In most cases my response was - 'great idea, how about you write it and you can have the column space this month'. Judy Slates was always agreeable to that. Only two folks ever took me up on the offer (Harley Michaelis with an early release on the RDS system and Greg Ciurpita with several articles on lift distribution and circling flight).

Gentlemen, start your word processors. This 'problem' goes away if we all share the load a bit.
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