You bet Is there any way not to have fun with a sailplane? <G> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat McCleave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Graupner Winch #2 - The rest of the story


I guess the real question is.  Did you have fun?

See Ya ,

Pat McCleave
Wichita, KS

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sheldon-YNT uDesign" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RCSE" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:23 AM
Subject: FW: [RCSE] Graupner Winch #2 - The rest of the story

> OK, since the original "This sounds interesting" popped-up on RCSE, I
> thought I'd "share" my first "Huh...Where'd that tree come from" 
> experience
> with everyone. I'm sure parts of it will give somebody a chuckle...
> ~Sheldon-YNT~
> PS: Sailplanes can be so cruel sometimes...<G>
> ________________________________
> This is kinda' long and I may have missed some of the "details but here 
> are
> the salient points:
> 1. Rewire my Graupner winch for the new Clipper footswitch I got from
> Injoy
> 2. Winch doesn't work (strike 1), better go to Erie & have Reece look
> at it to make sure it was wired right (it was)...Besides, we can fly (what
> an excuse!)
> 3. Plan on leaving at 6:30am, left almost an hour later (strike 2)
> 4. Get to Reece & Mindy's, Reece applies power to winch in launch
> position, magic smoke starts escaping (never a good sign)
> 5. Follow Reece to airport, & start setting up his winch
> 6. Drive Mindy's van and mine down the far side of the runway, reeling
> out line...
> 1. Sheldon: That should be enough
> 2. Reece: Nawww...I want it all out
> 3. Sheldon: It's pretty soft out here...That should be enough
> for us
> 4. Reece: All of it, besides, it's drier up ahead
> 5. Sheldon: OK...You da' boss
> 7. Less than 10 seconds later...Reece has Mindy's van stuck...Damn!
> (strike 3)
> 8. Reece, gets out, checks & decides I should give him a little "nudge"
> to get him going
> 9. BIG mistake! Now my van is stuck as well...Damn, damn, damn! (strike
> 4...NOTE: we should have "known" by this time...(sigh)...)
> 10. Airport manager lives on-field...Uhhh Mark, We've got BOTH vans
> stuck, can you pull us out with your 4wd? Sure no problem & don' t go down
> there again, it's too soft (Like we don't know this now???)
> 11. Mark pulls both vans out of the muck, & we finish setting the winch.
> At this point it would be prudent to mention that we are now positioned 
> appx
> where Sheldon had said earlier "that's should be enough" (as noted above)
> 12. A bit of confusion setting up the retriever...A phone call solves
> that puzzle
> 13. Wind is blowing about 10-13, with gusts upwards of 17. We launch...A
> short but adequate flight, add a couple of click of down to keep the speed
> upwind, with a landing that is not too bad, although somewhat distant. Put
> in several short flights with the Soprano, a couple of pop-offs included,
> something is still not right with the retriever.
> 14. Damn, that last landing I slowed it down too much, hooked the wing
> tip landing it! (strike 5)
> 15. OK, we think we have the retriever problem resolved, lets launch
> again
> 16. Launch again...Pop-off...A LOT lower than before, and Reece says
> just fly straight-out
> 17. "I" think he means fly straight-out until I get some speed up (he
> actually meant land it straight-out)
> 18. I've got airspeed, so I swing downwind, intending to just make an
> approach & land, start to make my upwind turn for final...No rudder!
> 19. Then all of a sudden I have rudder, but it's too late...By about 10
> feet, and the Soprano is in a tree...Damn, damn, damn! (strike 6)
> 20. We make the hike across the field & look up...WOW! It's REALLY in
> there good...flew right into the crotch of a limb that extends 
> straight-out
> into the flight path, with branches capturing it top, bottom, etc. Then we
> look down, the trees are in the middle of a bog, nasty! Now there's "dry"
> land on either side of the trees, but the tree itself is in the middle of
> the bog! (strike 7)
> 21. Weight a line, trying to get it over the fuselage (maybe we can
> "pull it backwards" to free it???). After MANY attempts, we do get a line
> over it, but no dice, this is not going well. This is not happening!
> 22. Reece calls his buddy Jay (who lives on-site) and says "Hey! Get you
> ass out of bed & come help us get an airplane out of a tree at the east 
> end
> of the runway!)
> 23. Jay shows up about 20 minutes later, looks,  says "no problem", &
> proceeds to walk a fallen tree to the other "dry" side.
> 24. Reece spies a deer stand  against a tree about 50' away...Hey Jay,
> wait a minute...We got a deer stand ladder down there! So we go retrieve 
> it
> and get it across to Jay. Reece says go get your radio, Jay says if he 
> gets
> to it he'll just toss it and we can fly it down...& get me a bottle of 
> water
> out of the van too.
> 25. Go to the van & by the time I get back, Jay is already up in the
> tree & almost to the plane (How the hell did he do that???)
> 26. Jay is at the plane, gets it loose, & says: How hard do I have to
> throw this? Reece says it takes nothin'! Jay: OK, but I'll have to throw 
> it
> with the wing on the diagonal, I can't throw it flat. Reece: Just toss it!
> 27. Now you have to picture Jay, perched precariously out on a (not very
> substantial limb), with a 10' glider, in a 12mph wind, trying to throw it
> out of the tree, with one wingtip at a 45 degree angle up, at about a 45
> degree angle to the wind. Surely this thing is gonna blow right over!!!
> 28. Jay heaves it, Reece flies it down right towards the winch (across
> the field), and slides it into a landing.
> 29. Sheldon: WOW! Jay I owe ya' Dude...How 'bout lunch on me? Jay: No
> problem ~ I'm always up for a free meal...Subway!
> 30. Get the plane over to the vans...Upon examination, LE is crushed a
> little in 1 spot where the crotch of the limb stopped it, the carbon TE 
> has
> clean breaks in 2 spots, & a few of the carbon spar caps have popped on
> either side of the breaks. CA will take care of all of the damages. Quick
> check of the rudder & there's about 3/8" play either 
> way...Hmmm...something
> is not good there. We surmise that either the pushrod is damaged or its
> teflon sheath has broken loose inside the fin. Screw it...I'll wait 'til I
> get home & check it out.
> 31. Over at the hangars...Meanwhile, the skydivers have shown up & Reece
> is supposed to take them up to 6K for a drop. While they're getting ready 
> we
> go to Subway & Sheldon buys lunch. Back to the airport, swallow lunch.
> 32. Sheldon needs a little time, 'cause he wants to go up with Reece to
> make the drop...
> 33. Sheldon makes the "call of shame" to Helene & says...Honey...I flew
> the Soprano into a tree, we have to get it down, I'm gonna be a little 
> late.
> OK, we already had the plane down - let's not dwell on it...Besides, Reece
> is taking some skydivers up for a jump & I wanna go up with him. Is he a
> good pilot??? Hell, I don't know, I've never flown with him. Helene is not
> happy...I can tell by the sound of her voice. OK, I'll just stay long 
> enough
> to watch them jump, then I'll head home. Do whatever you want...(YOU all
> know how it sounds AND what it "really" means!!!) (strike whatever...By 
> now
> I've lost count!)
> 34. The jumpers are ready, one of them pulls out an extra rig, positions
> the legstraps on the ground & says:
> 1. Jumper: OK Sheldon, just come over here & step right into
> these
> 2. Sheldon: What are you??? NUTS??? What the hell am I going to
> do with that???
> 3. Jumper: Well, you're going up with us aren't you?...It's
> "just in case"...
> 4. Sheldon: Hell, I don't know the first thing about what to do
> "just in case". Not me Dude...If anything happens, I'm sticking with HIM
> (Sheldon pointing to Reece).
> 5. Reece: (As he straps on his 'chute) Then you need a
> 'chute...'Cause if anything happens, I'm out the door & you better be 
> right
> behind me
> 6. Sheldon: Nope! The way my luck has run today...NO WAY...I'm
> staying right here on the ground. I'll watch you guys jump & then I'm 
> headed
> home...
> And THAT gentlemen, is the our lead entertainment story for the
> weekend...Well...Almost anyway...
> I got home about 2 hours later than I'd planned...Helene is not too upset,

> &
> we decide to go out to the noodle place we like for dinner. Over dinner I
> tell her the whole sad story of the day, etc. & show her the pic I got on 
> my
> camera phone of Jay, just as he landed from his jump (oh yeah, besides
> retrieving sailplanes from trees, Jay has built & flown a couple of
> ultralights, flown P3s, skydives, & who knows what else! <G>). 
> Uhhh...Honey,
> how about an "early" birthday present...for $150 & 5 hours training, I can
> make a jump??? NO! But honey... NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NO WAY! But... NO! I'm
>gonna do it...You know that I've always said I want to skydive, just once,
> make 1 jump...NO! I don't want to talk about it...I'll get up and walk
> out...NO! (Hmmm...this is going to be more difficult than I thought...I 
> need
> a "plan"). Now I know this is not the "proper" time to continue this 
> course
> of conversation so I wisely shut up about it. We have our dinner...the 
> bill
> comes & with the bill of course there are fortune cookies. I let Helene
> select hers, I take the one that's left, and this is exactly what it said:
> "You should be able to undertake and complete anything". Needless to 
> say...I
> start LMAO & hand it to Helene...She reads it, scowls, & says...You 
> guessed
> it...NO!
> (I'm still working on a "plan" to make a jump...Anyone got any "helpful"
> suggestions)
> -S-
> PS: Reece & I have made a blood pact...From now on, 3 strikes & we quit 
> for
> the day!
> ________________________________
> From: James V. Bacus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Graupner Winch #2
> This sounds interesting...
> At 07:54 PM 4/15/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> oh Sheldon ,tell them the whole tale.Let them know how it went from
> bad to worse .Don't forget about the 4 wheel drive part
> lol..............Reece
> Jim
> Downers Grove, IL
> Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
> AMA 592537    LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www.
> <> <>
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