Hi all:


Some months ago I posted a message about my wife and I possibly moving to Spokane, and I asked about soaring opportunities here.  Some of you were gracious enough to respond with good information.  We have since moved to Spokane, and I want to ask about a possible soaring spot. 


A short distance south of the VA hospital on Assembly Road, there’s a bluff that overlooks the east side the Spokane River Park.  Anyone ever toss a glider over that bluff for a little slope soaring?  I’ve stopped by there a few times and noticed the wind didn’t quite blow up the bluff, and there are some trees along the bluff that would get in the way of a glider, but there’s a nice landing area, and it seems to me slope soaring is possible there if the wind is right and the pilot careful.


And when does the soaring season begin here?


Cheers J


Scott Martin



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