Brent -
If it was me I'd put the initial cg 3 inches aft of the leading edge. That might be pretty close to neutral. If you want it a bit more stable you'd go forward to suit.
It'll be interesting to see where we all guess, if the plane survives the first flight, and who was right.
happy trails - Rob Glover
 From: "Douglas, Brent"

Just trying to get a rough idea where to start here, what formula you
might use to come up with a starting CG.... Picture a 200 inch wing,
root chord about 11 inches, tip about 5, straight leading edge, tapering

Modern airfoil, HQ 2.5, 12 - 10 percent thick.    My thought was to go
mid span, take some percentage of the chord there, then mark the root
that far back - example:  30% of 8" becomes 2.4 inches - mark the root
at 2.4 inches from the leading edge. =20

2 questions - how far off is that logic, how far off is 30%?     =20

I'm towing this ship for the first flight, so I'd like to be pretty
close, erring to the nose heavy side.


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