Thanks to Tom Koszuta and all of the Western New York Soaring and Electric Flyers for inviting Reece and I to attend their contest yesterday. It's the first time I've flown UNL in about 18 months and boy does it show! I had a great day, met a lot of good people and will definitely be back for more contests this season. Special thanks to Reece for all his patience & help, talking me through some tough times, and reminding me to "breathe" <G>!
The contest was a very relaxed affair, with 10 pilots in attendance. We had 1 open winch and a 40 minute window for each of the 5 rounds. The field is "interesting" as there a quite a few thermal generators surrounding the field, and along with thermal generators comes sink holes! Landings were a big problem for me, as usual, although I did get 1 of my LSF II landings. Unfortunately my 1 off-field landing cost me 2nd place and I finished in 6th. I had to jump trees twice...once I was unlucky (and almost took out Reece's Artemis which was on the ground underneath the tree) but the other time the Sapphire looked like a jack-in-the-box popping up over the trees not once but twice. I did have the tallest flight of the day and if it hadn't been for Reece's eyes, I don't think that plane would have come home.
I had some good flights, really poor landings, but my equipment came away still able to fly, and I had fun and came away with a lot more knowledge. Good time, good experience, good people...What more could I ask for?

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