Ok, I'll bite.
Let's look at these one at a time.
Q. > Cleaning the hot wire in between cuts.
A.  The easy way is to heat up the wire and wipe it down with your wifes
best cotton bath towel (preferably the monogramed ones).

Q.> Compufoil or other free ware.
A. Compufoil is the only one that does a perfect 2 piece template set.
Beware of the version lockouts.
These guys are just like microsoft. The feature you want will surely be
locked out in the version of compufoil you buy. An example would be using
the NACA airfoils to build a fun fly.
I had a freeware called Autofoil that was really nice, lost it in a computer
crash though, and the site was down that I got it from. Might have been from
Iceland or Scottland, had a strange address like "Luth.se/jopper" or
something like that. If you find autofoil grab it.

Q.> Theory of foam
A. pink is slightly lighter than blue in the same claimed density. both are
great in compression not in tension.
Generic white beaded foam is very weak and carries no loads at all. It is a
little lighter than pink unless you use too much epoxy and then a pink,
completed wing will be lighter.
EPP is almost the same weight as blue but ends up heavy if you don't use
your head when adding spars and covering. Needs more voltage when cutting.
Stinks too, use a fan.

Q.> Contemplating templates
A. 1 piece templates for "foamies" and prototypes. 2 piece for carbon/glass
3 meter planes. (it has been proven by scientists that buying a nice 3meter
is cheaper than building one, if you factor in the cost of reject cores and
carbon fiber cloth.) have fun with you foam cutter, but don't get wacky with
the big stuff.

Q.> 12 volt "shocks" and how to avoid them
A. why avoid them? they can be fun.
Don't even try AC direct with only a dimmer switch though, it just turns
into a molten fireball, er uh ,so I'm told.

Q.> Blue or Pink, which should it be?
A. Would you like us to fly it for you too? <OR>  I don't know, Go to Home
Depo and ask the guy with the orange apron.

Q.> Do you cut the top cut first when South of the
> equator?
A. yes sometimes, when you want a thinner airfoil and your too damn lazy to
cut new templates, er uh ,so I'm told. Always cutting from LE to TE though.
Cutting back to front is considered an insult to "Trailengedgicus" the Mayan
god of slope lift.

Q.> The meaning of EH
A. This is a term used by Canadian flying wing pilots.  Examples:  Check out
my new slope wing, EH? Hardly needs any washout, EH? Wicked neutral pitch
stability, EH?

Q.> How to limit scrap and proper disposal of it.
Blue and pink EPS foams are styrene plastics and probably could be recycled
with the other plastics, if you could survive the mob of angry do gooders
yelling at you for putting foam in the plastic recycling bin.
By the way, your town doesn't have a buyer to take all recycled plastics, so
the town dumps it with the other trash when you go home.

Q. > Who cuts the best cores?
A teenager girl in California, I'm not going to name her as that kind of
thing could Boomerang.

Q.> Will Brian ever get around to cutting my cores?
A. No, but If your nice he'll bring the bow to you house and teach you to
cut you own damn cores.

Eddie E.
Mad Scientist

> Please feel free to
> post any answers humorous or real to the
> questions.
> Cliff Lindgren
> PS For the first person who correctly identifys
> the real person who asked the questions,  you will
> br awarded the first core we have rejected as a
> prize.  (It ain't that bad either.)

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