At 09:24 PM 1/24/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Q.> Compufoil or other free ware.
>A. Compufoil is the only one that does a perfect 2 piece template set.

Have you seen my Airfoil Plot 8.  It will plot a universal template that
can be trimmed to produce two piece templates for cutting foam cores either
in the upright or inverted position,

>Beware of the version lockouts.
>These guys are just like microsoft. The feature you want will surely be
>locked out in the version of compufoil you buy. An example would be using
>the NACA airfoils to build a fun fly.
My program comes complete with no lockouts for $35 plus $5 shipping.  It
includes airfoil generators for NACA 4-digit, NACA 5-digit, and 
Quabeck airfoils as well as coordinates for over 400 airfoils.  It can also
plot most of the airfoils in Michael Selig's airfoil data base as well as
airfoils from coordinates in true COR format.  (Some airfoils with a COR
file name extension are not really in COR format.)  

And, unless Eric has changed his policy, Compufoil is not freeware.

Chuck Anderson 
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