The drawing for the US F3J Team Raffle was held today.  Before we announce the lucky winners, the entire team would like to thank the soaring community for its wonderful support.  From the manufacturers like Airtonics, JR and Kennedy Composites to the many individuals that made significant cash donations to each and EVERY person that bought a ticket, or shirt - we have the greatest appreciation for your contributions.  We are taking a large team this year and your support has made it all possible.


We expect to make you all proud in Martin - and will do our best to bring home the gold against the toughest competitors in the world!


Most of us are leaving tomorrow - wish us luck.  The rumor is that there will be wi-fi available at the flying field, so hopefully you will get regular updates.


Congratulations to the following winners:


SUPRA - Ticket Number 153404 - Kevin Matney of Michigan


Stylus - Ticket Number 907199 - Dr Dan Williams of Colorado Springs


Greening Servo Mounts - Ticket Number 907470 - Berie Coleman of North Carolina


Thanks again…

Jim Monaco

US F3J Team Manager 2006


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